February 2025

Sunday 9th February – Lunch Run – Gosford Sailing Club 11.30am
https://www.gosfordsailingclub.com/thebistro  28 Masons Pde Gosford. A nice spot overlooking Brisbane Waters with a nice seafood selection plus some great steaks all in a relaxed atmosphere. Leave Bunnings Narellan 9.15am and meet Peter with other members at Cowan Rest Area at 10.40am then drive up via the old Pacific Hwy to Gosford. Note there are tolls on the M7. Bookings are essential - use the forum to secure your seats.

Tuesday 11th February – Its Taco Night at Curry Reserve 6.00pm
Camden Valley Way, Camden - There are covered BBQ facilities, amenities, and ample parking. Bring your drinks and a dessert to share. Meet at the site.
Numbers required in advance via the forum for catering purposes.

Tuesday 18th February – Monthly South Coast BBQ – Thirroul Beach Surf Club 6pm
Come along to this beautiful beach side location. Everything supplied but please BYO salad and drinks. Meet there. Numbers required in advance via the forum for catering purposes.

Sunday 23rd February – Club Burger Run – Wahlburger’s Bringelly 3.30pm
Lazy afternoon enjoying American burgers and an ice-cold shake, plenty of good parking, amenities on site great place for a meet & greet and to have a chat over cars. 657 Northern Rd at Bringelly. Meet there but let others know you’re going via the forum.

Tuesday 25th February – Monthly Club Meeting – Wests Leagues Club 7.30pm
10 Old Leumeah Rd Leumeah. Catch up for dinner beforehand and a chat, at the meeting get all the up-to-date club news, upcoming events, & maybe win a great raffle prize.
The club meeting starts at 7.30pm in the Gardenia Room.

Friday 28th February to Sunday March 2nd – Historic Tour – Iandra Castle Cowra

March 2025

Saturday 8th March – South Coast Breakfast – Windang Bowling Club 9.00am
2-6 Judbooley Parade Windang. Meet at the club.

Tuesday 11th March – Monthly Camden Hotel (no BBQ in March) – 6.00pm
105 Argyle St Camden. Come along have a chat, great food, quiet atmosphere with plenty of parking out the back. This replaces the BBQ for March only.
Use the forum to let members know who is attending.

Sunday 16th March – The AMCCA Family BBQ Day at Cataract Dam 10.30am
https://www.waternsw.com.au/supply/visit/cataract-dam  Meet at the dam, look for the club banner. This is a family day for kids and the grandchildren of club members to come and have some fun. On the day we will have:

  1. Bacon & egg rolls, sausage sandwiches, mini hot dogs, cakes, treats & desserts.
  2. Some live music by our clubs own Roni.
  3. Face painting, cup cake decorating, lawn bowls + cricket and much more!
  4. Bottled water, fruit drinks for the kids, coffee & tea for the bigger kids

Your committee will be cooking & serving brunch from 11:00am. We ask that members bring a dessert to share and make the day great for all. Bring your muscle cars for a great club photo with all our family.
Please post on the forum who is attending, include children/grandchildren as numbers are required for catering.
Wet weather instructions – the BBQ will go ahead for members, but children’s activities may be limited.

Tuesday 18th March – Monthly South Coast BBQ – Thirroul Beach Surf Club 6.00pm
Come along to this beautiful beach side location. Everything supplied but please BYO salad and drinks. Meet there. Numbers required in advance for catering purposes.

Saturday 22nd March – Club Menangle Trots & Buffet Night – 5.30pm
https://www.clubmenangle.com.au/restaurants/trackside/ Racecourse Ave Menangle Park NSW – come along for night of racing and a great buffet feed at Club Menangle Trackside.
Place a bet if you like, we have booked 5 tables of 10 for a night of fun, racing and food.
The buffet for the night $25 pp – includes hot & cold meats, side dishes, vegetables + desserts, tea & coffee included. The club has a dedicated locked parking spot under lights with a view of the cars so bring your muscle cars for a club display and some photos.
Bookings are limited to 50, (5 tables of 10) use the forum to secure your seat.

Tuesday 25th March – Monthly Club Meeting – Wests Leagues Club 7.30pm
10 Old Leumeah Rd Leumeah. Catch up for dinner beforehand and a chat, at the meeting get all the up-to-date club news, upcoming events, and maybe win a great raffle prize.
The club meeting starts at 7.30pm in the Gardenia Room.

Friday 29th March to Monday 1st April – Easter Long Weekend - no club activities

All runs subject to weather

Postal Address: PO Box 280 Narellan 2567