well how cool was sunday, gary your gotta convince them for bathurst.
I got to take lowndsy around at the end of the day he had his son with him aswell, what can i say,he is a gentleman we talked all the way around the track and he told me he's next project ,he want's to sqeeze a supercharged 290 boss motor in a xy falcon or in a ford galaxie, well if he goes the galaxy way garry you'll have to send him a membership application form.
As for his third place he himself made the descision to go out in the last race on slicks which cost him the round win but in saying that he was still grinning from ear to ear.
One more thing you can here everything the crowd is yelling the abuse the tributes and we laught our heads off especially at the holden guys who still havn't forgiven him for going to ford .
garry thank you for a great day even the whether couldn't dampen it , my son conor had a good day we got to go to the pits and watch some pit stops he is hoping that bathurst can become a reallity:8
picture below is before last race with the fpr team and the pit girl in the passanger seat photo by tony67