Author Topic: just woke up....  (Read 14841 times)

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  • Rally Licence
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just woke up....
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2010, 09:45:22 PM »

"Time to have a coffee read the paper and read about the poor kids in Rawanda with no food for 3 months or the poor families dealing with having lost a loved one over the Christmas break"

... Muzzy 66 about "Today's Arrivals" ... the Sports section has the latest odds on the next 8 boat loads coming across of poor Liberal Voting people of good character who have found though hard work and persistance...thousands of dollars each some place very legal to get  tickets....   and just think Muzzy 66.. if Glorious Leader Mr Rudd has his way... ALL THE ETA & CARBON TRADING MONEY will go to help them..... from your petrol and power bills and food tax and red light camera fines and income tax etc etc... will go to these countries where the boat people come from and they will stay there & build Free & Democratic Nations...... and probably IN TIME.. they will accept people from other countries .. like ones that are continually CENSORED.....!:drink:

  Tell you what Bro... when the next Sydney Ferry boat races on .. I might take a bit more notice cause not everybody will be able to escape up the Georges river....... :rol::bow:


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just woke up....
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2010, 09:52:34 PM »
Quote from: 65pony link=topic=2758.msg15538#msg15538
wow i was going to make a nice post on that topic earlier but thought i'd better not as i'm already on one strike for having the biggest 6 in the club!! :rol: :rol:

I was going to get this post deleted, till i realised your talking about your motor:rol::rol::rol::rol:


  • Speedster
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just woke up....
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2010, 10:01:13 PM »
Quote from: cpu link=topic=2758.msg15530#msg15530

My comments were directed at auzmonza in relation to his comments on forum rules. :smile:

Sorry CPU at no stage was i pushing your buttons

The threat of banning me because i posted a thread on an unusual way of minimising an oil leak .and after  in this thread pointing it out that it was removed

As pointed out the rules on posting here are very grey does not take to much for someone to find something "offensive" in many topic issues ,however for the most part much is allowed

It is sad however when car enthusiasts cannot complain about the way our governments treat us with regards to revenue raising techniques without fear of having a thread removed

In all reality internet censorship is already here because we are already afraid of what may happen if we say the wrong thing :(
If this post is deemed offensive and pushing your buttons maybe i should have my account on here deleted and club membership terminated

post edited 10.18pm to show corrcet quoting


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just woke up....
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2010, 10:18:49 PM »
As I said I am not privy as to what happened with the deleting of the thread.  I was not hear.

I dont make the rules I just post them.  May I suggest you discuss their content with your committee

In relation to you having club membership terminated that has nothing to do with me and may I suggest that you discuss it with your committee.


  • Rally Licence
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just woke up....
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2010, 10:29:46 PM »
Quote from: cpu link=topic=2758.msg15542#msg15542
As I said I am not privy as to what happened with the deleting of the thread.  I was not hear.

I dont make the rules I just post them.  May I suggest you discuss their content with your committee

In relation to you having club membership terminated that has nothing to do with me and may I suggest that you discuss it with your committee.

ah damn... this ain't fun..'thought we were going to have a hangin here.. especially since Boat People were mentioned..... ... seems censorship has quietened the rebellion :pat:and the government is pointing to committees ... come to think of it.. nothing happens there either...
 I'm bored.. good night all.... .I'm away in a Sea of Dreams....:zip:


  • Speedster
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just woke up....
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2010, 10:51:27 PM »
Quote from: cpu link=topic=2758.msg15542#msg15542
As I said I am not privy as to what happened with the deleting of the thread.  I was not here .

I don,t make the rules I just post them.  May I suggest you discuss their content with your committee

In relation to you having club membership terminated that has nothing to do with me and may I suggest that you discuss it with your committee.

edited to correct grammar !

and it was the threat of "canning my arse" for "pushing your buttons"
 that i was referring to


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just woke up....
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2010, 11:01:33 PM »
Quote from: ausmonza link=topic=2758.msg15544#msg15544

and it was the threat of "canning my arse" for "pushing your buttons"
 that i was referring to

At no point did I say I was canning your ass for pushing my buttons

I said..........

Quote from: cpu link=topic=2758.msg15521#msg15521


I dont care who it is.  Rock the boat here and I will can your ass...............

So there is no confusion:-

I don't care who it is, if they rock the boat here I will can their ass...............


If you are correcting my grammar

"don,t"  should be "don't"

5/10 for effort. :smile:


  • Speedster
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just woke up....
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2010, 11:13:02 PM »
hey CPU
what you missed was this

As I said I am not privy as to what happened with the deleting of the thread. I was not here .

where i fixed up the spelling as well ..............extra marks for that ????


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just woke up....
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2010, 11:14:48 PM »
Quote from: ausmonza link=topic=2758.msg15548#msg15548
hey CPU
what you missed was this

As I said I am not privy as to what happened with the deleting of the thread. I was not here .

where i fixed up the spelling as well ..............extra marks for that ????

7/10 :smile:  [strike]hear[/strike] here


  • Rally Licence
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just woke up....
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2010, 11:26:11 PM »
.. damn.. I just woke up.. was in the middle of a dream... Dreaming.. .I was on the Nepean river.. under full sail downstream on the SS Monza...... being chased by a bunch of people with laptops.. and can's... they were dressed up to look like part time Police... ..... but every time they swung the can it powered the sail more... it was hopeless... .... and as night fell we sailed on & found dry land & people who cared.... somewhere democratic...Club Med Somolia..... and lived happily ever after......:fantastic:
  ...but I've woken up.. its still the same....:rain:


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