American Muscle Cars Australia

Club News => AMCCA Members Chat Room => Topic started by: Hemifish on April 29, 2011, 04:52:08 PM

Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Hemifish on April 29, 2011, 04:52:08 PM
Just a Quick Thanks to JOE for Visiting me in Hospital and Fixing my Computer & others that have Visited and brought FOOD & COFFEE :spaghetti::fantastic::hangloose:
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: joe74ta on April 29, 2011, 07:47:34 PM
What are mates for Darren.
I told the members at the meeting last night about your present situation and I think this thread is a great place for the members to post there support and best wishes.

For the members that didn't go to the meeting last night I will just fill you in, our mate Hemifish has had a bad run. First off Darren is a true speed junkie, right back from his teenage years racing around in his XU1 Torana, skiing up and down the local river behind his mates insane speed boats, and I'm sure youv'e all seen his last ride The blown 572 goat.
Due to his miss spent youth 17 months ago, Darren had to leave work and under go a full hip replacement, after the surgery complications set in and an infection had him back in hospital to have the hip removed and a temporary spacer put in, till the doctors can beat the infection. Then they will start again with a new hip that's where he is now.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE as if that wasn't enough,  bad luck for poor old Hemifish the night before he went to hospital he was cleaning the kitchen, and the new floor, his crutches slipped out from under him on the wet floor, as he hit the ground the kitchen erupted in flames.Darren managed to drag himself from the kitchen to the back door ( Thank god the door was open ) then he threw himself down the back steps as the whole house was lost.

Something I never mentioned at the meeting was The shed the Cuda and his dog are all OK  :bow::bow:

So come on guys lets see a nice post on this forum  to end the day show Darren we care about our members. Post up give him our support.
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: usmusclecars on April 29, 2011, 08:11:22 PM
:omg: Darrin, I couldn't believe it when I heard what had happened to you. I knew you were going into hospital but when your part arrived from the US and Joe asked me to give it to him so he could take it to you and explained what happened I was shocked :cry:. Thank god you are ok it could have been disasterous. Take care and we look forward to catching up with real soon!

Best Wishes and a speedy recovery!
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: bluevet on April 29, 2011, 08:22:20 PM
Hi Darren.sorry to here that you are not well.hope the doctors can get you up and about as soon as posible.glad to here that car is ok.hope to see you soon.Ray
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: RIVIERA on April 29, 2011, 08:36:51 PM
Hi Darrin , as in Joe's post he said that your hip problem came from your miss spent youth as a skier, having been overtaken by you on more than one occasion when the goat was in full cry I think maybe you may concider the extra force that was being exerted by your right leg may also have had some effect on your hip. Or maybe you think that by getting a bionic hip you will be more capable of giving a big block Mopar that extra kick in the butt.

Seriously Darrin both Enid and I wish you a speedy recovery and we lock forward to catching up with you on the road soon, I gues you have had many offers, but if we can help in anyway please do not hesitate to ask, we would be more than willing.

Regards John  
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: SUTPO on April 29, 2011, 08:36:53 PM
Hey Darren, i was really shocked when i heard what had happend to you, my hand is out to you a fellow MOPAR brother, if there is anything i can do to help i will be there for you. things can be replaced but mopar lovers are hard to find, i am glad you are as well as can be expected

Hope to catch up with you soon

Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Muzzy 66 on April 29, 2011, 08:49:31 PM
Man alive thats a bad run.

Hope things have a turn for the better from here on in.

All the best


Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: chris67 on April 29, 2011, 08:54:57 PM
Hi Darren

Im sorry to here that you are not well

I wish you a speedy recovery.


Why dont we arrange for all members to give a helping hand at Darrens place one weekend if we can i.e painting, in anyway we can help
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: mattlea1 on April 29, 2011, 09:05:16 PM
Wow man that is some bad luck, I hope your luck starts improving from here on.
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: her69 on April 29, 2011, 09:23:45 PM

I spent a couple of hours today visiting Darrin, having lots of laughs with Joe trying to get his hospital anolog television to pick up digital television onto his laptop, OMG, it was like the blind leading the blind, lost count of trying different plugs in different sockets without success. So Darrin ended up with only alolog tele to watch the wedding on, hope you didn't miss too much Darrin. LOL.
Anyway, after all Darrin has been through with his house fire, I think he is very lucky to be still with us. It was great to spend some time together today, you were looking better than what I expected. He showed me his hip operation scar & BTW Darrin I think someone should buy you some undies LOL.
Hope to see you out & about soon

Cheers Maureen
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: mattlea1 on April 29, 2011, 09:32:23 PM
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Fine 59 on April 29, 2011, 11:11:39 PM
Hi Darrin I also heard of your ordeal at the meeting and couldn't believe your misfortune , like the others if there is anything we can do I would be more than happy to help out, maybe we could organise a major cruise and fundraiser I'm sure you will have everyone's support.

  Cheers Mick
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Dustya on April 30, 2011, 12:15:03 AM
Hi Mate, Hope those nurses are giving you a run for your money, Joes was telling me about the foot massages and the room service from the Jamaica blue cafe downstairs sounds to me like youve got them wrapped around your little finger lol. Will try and catch up with you tomorrow. Take care we care. Let me know if there is anything you need bringing in.

Cheers Leslee
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: sms777 on April 30, 2011, 10:13:56 AM
I have been one of Darrin's best mate for the last 20+ years. I have seen him going through hell and back several times and I can assure you guys that nothing like this will break his spirit. He is a true survivor and the strongest character I have ever met.
It is a privilige to be his mate.
I am sure the insurance companies will take care of his finances so we can get that Cuda project happening soon.

Wish you a speedy recovery buddy....catch up with you soon. :drink:
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Hemifish on April 30, 2011, 01:33:20 PM
:fantastic: Thanks for all the Kind words & support from Everybody including my Neighbours/friends have been very helpful all i can do now is let my Doctor & insurance company Take care of me & my house its all a SLOW Process , As ive Hit Rock Bottom NOW its only UP UP UP :drink: Plenty of Time now to workout what parts i need to restore my Cuda , starting with a new Alloy Block from World products , I found a new Callies Crank so a 4.5inch bore & a 4.5inch stroke Engine is on the cards 572ci HEMI two carbys & mabey a Pro charger V7  will be a good CURE for me :bow: Bought a new Rotissery a few weeks ago also Yvette & Mick have delivered all my Chazzie connectors & torque boxes so i can now start the Resto Again Thanks To ALL:drink:
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Pana BB Duster on April 30, 2011, 02:09:19 PM
Bloody hell Darrin.. I've probably met you before being Mopar boys and all but nevertheless, chin up mate and sorry to hear about the misfortunes. I know easier said than done but you are safe and sound and that's most important...
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: silverz on April 30, 2011, 03:17:11 PM
Hi Darrin,
Glad to hear your positive attitude after such a devastating chain of bad luck. You may remember us meeting when I featured your blown GTO 'DINOSR' in March 2010 'Muscle' mag. Susan and I both wish you a speedy recovery. You know I write adventure novels on the side and in the words of my lead Dave Stark, "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE- subject only to the limits of time, money and logic!":logic:
Regards and keep on cruzin'. Bob and Susan Shaw.
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: heven67 on April 30, 2011, 09:19:37 PM
Hi Darren
Get well soon
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Hemifish on May 01, 2011, 06:06:20 PM
:fantastic: Thanks Again for all my visitors & phone calls from All , My highlight for the last few weeks of eating Hospital food was tonight the kitchen staff made me a FRESH curry Egg sandwitch madddd :bow:
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Kroooozer on May 01, 2011, 09:02:59 PM
Quote from: Hemifish link=topic=4314.msg27203#msg27203
tonight the kitchen staff made me a FRESH curry Egg sandwitch madddd

That will be a decision they will come to regret later...
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Muzzy 66 on May 01, 2011, 09:14:55 PM
Change of shift..
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: GAS455 on May 01, 2011, 10:35:54 PM
Hope you get back on your feet soon Darrin!!

And back out in the garage. (

Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: Bumblebee on May 02, 2011, 03:34:37 PM
Hi Darrin,

So sorry to here of your run of sad events!  Hope you recover and get well soon and start enjoying life, your hobbies and friends again ASAP.

Looking forward to seeing you and your car on the road very soon.

Cheers and best wishes les and lisa
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: 69DirtyRat on May 03, 2011, 10:58:59 PM
Holy S*%t this is the first I heard about this! So sorry to hear about the whole situation, hope you have a speedy recovery!
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: bonnevista on May 05, 2011, 10:23:34 AM
G'day Darrin.  Of course, I have no idea how you feel going through this, but as they say, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

If that's true, I imagine you'll be pretty strong afterwards.:lol:
Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: danscamaro67 on May 06, 2011, 08:11:30 PM
Hey Darrin,

Sorry to hear about the misfortunes but great to hear that u have a strong spirit, heaps of people who care & are there for you & the cuda & dog are ok.

Wishing you a speedy recovery & hope all falls back into place quickly, all the best of luck

Title: Thanks For Helping Out
Post by: LeighP on May 12, 2011, 10:41:51 PM
Wow, thats a heck of a set of circumstances to drop on you all at once. Good luck to you, all the best for a quick recovery.