Club News > AMCCA Past Events

All American Day

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Hello roadhound, nice to see another southwest person register on the forum. Welcome. :cool:
Some clubs are a little odd...I'm in another club that I dispair of ever getting the members to actually drive their cars....theres around up to 4 of us from that club that turn up at one else seems interested.... :( at least the guys here drive their cars and go to runs etc.
Personally, the All American Day is going to have a private temperature limit placed on it in the future....if the forecast says anything over 32 max....I'm boycotting. lol.

did any body get any pics as i didn't get to make it due to i had to work

Mat i took some & Richard has just given me some I will send them off to Peter today :8
  See Ya Garry. ;)


Perhaps some of the other car clubs could approach Westfield directly and explain that a lot more people would turn up (and spend money in their shopping centre) if it was held at a more user friendly time.


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