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Windscreen Mounted devices legality.
Thanks Garth.
Yes, I do understand the requirements not to have devices that obstruct clear vision.
The advice I was given and the issue I’m trying to have clarified is that regardless of where any device is fitted on a windscreen, assuming everyone fits them in the recommended position as per the official fact sheet, is that if the device is secured to the windscreen with a suction cap it is deemed illegal and a finable offense?
I’m aware that many devices have been marketed over the years with suction cup fittings.
Is this a new law? The source of this did say very few people are aware of it?
I was just wondering if anyone in the club had knowledge of this?
Maybe I should direct the issue to RMS for clarification?
Thank you
A couple of our friends / associates have actually been fined for having phones and GPS devices mounted on windscreens. Two examples of friends being fined pertained to a phone in a commercially-available suction-mounted phone holder in the lower right corner of the screen (a Prado) & an air freshener hanging from the mirror... placed there by the mechanic.
According to a S/Cst I work with, the mounting mechanism is irrelevant to the offence - the offence is obstruct vision.
Hope this helps Glenn. Cheers
Thanks Garth.
That’s pretty much what I’ve been looking for.
Appreciate your advice.
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