Author Topic: GM rear light wiring to conform with RMS rule  (Read 21287 times)

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  • Speedster
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GM rear light wiring to conform with RMS rule
« on: February 22, 2021, 01:55:29 PM »
I have modified the rear light wiring on my 1968 Buick Riviera as to satisfy the new RMS ruling.
I presume all GM cars around this vintage would be wired up the same way.
Anyone wishing a copy of the diagram please notify me and I will email it to you as I cannot post it here.
Regards Felix


  • Speedster
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Re: GM rear light wiring to conform with RMS rule
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2021, 10:15:06 AM »
Yes this is great guidance from Felix, but still up for debate as to whether it is in fact a ruling or is still under discussion between TfNSW and the CMC.

Wording from the latest CMC publication:
The ructions over the Transport NSW list of Approved Period Options and Accessories continue with various levels of input.  Main thing is the directive ex T NSW that they are to be taken as guidelines. They are not set in concrete and they will be consulting with us..

However, the ruling out of red coloured indicator lenses to the rear is a major concern.   Cars from the late 50s to the mid-70s had such red blinker lights.  The idea back then was to use the tail-lights as indicators as well.  Now T NSW tell us that the use of red lenses for indicators has been illegal in Australia since 1960 or so.  News to me, but it is a law I am told!!  There is a document which allows red indicators up to mid-1975, how-ever that is to be taken down as they say it is wrong and should never have been put up.


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