Bren, Kel, Arthur, Adam & I were so sorry to hear this news earlier today. Ross & Cheryl gave us amazing support earlier this year and we can only offer Cheryl the same.
Ross was a great person - he always made time for everyone, and was once or twice heard telling people his humble opinion on things

He & Cheryl always went out of their way to seek out my parents at Albury, despite them not being members, and that always made my parents' weekend! He was a person I will always proudly call a friend!
Ross, you will be very much missed, but Cheryl, you have a another family in the AMCCA who are there for you.
Putting this out there - I will be bringing my muscle car to the funeral, and I urge anyone else that can to please also do so... as you did for my mum. It just seems fitting!
