Author Topic: Crookwell Rotary Swap Meet and Show and Shine - Sunday 21st October 2018  (Read 6003 times)

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  • Speedster
  • ***
  • Posts: 399
  • Location: Campbelltown
The Crookwell Rotary Club are holding a Show and Shine in conjunction with the 15th annual Swap Meet and Market Day being held at the Crookwell showground on Sunday 21st October 2018.

Your members are cordially invited to attend and participate in the Show and Shine.
Entry fee is $10 per vehicle inclusive of occupants and there will be trophies for vintage, veteran, contemporary and modified vehicle categories.

The Swap Meet will also again be the destination of the 2018 Canberra – Crookwell Charity Cruise being organised by the GT Falcon Club of Canberra. Feedback and enquiries so far have been very encouraging and we anticipate that this will be the best year yet.

We would be very pleased to see your members attend and we can guarantee a warm, friendly welcome and a good day of entertainment.

should you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Sean on 02 4832 1566 or at


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