Author Topic: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.  (Read 12197 times)

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Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« on: September 27, 2017, 10:01:22 AM »
Curiosity question for clarification please... When a vehicle is on 'club' plates as part of the Log Book scheme, on what occasions does the Club Plate Registrar need to be notified?

I've had a look through the "Constitution For The Use Of Historic Vehicles" as shown on the club's website, and it's not totally clear to me when the Registrar needs to be advised.

Part 2 - Club Events; describes when vehicles may be used, but no mention of notifying the Registrar.

Part 3 - Servicing; It is noted here that "all movements of club vehicles must be recorded in the movement log".  Is it intended that this refers back to the "Club Events" paragraph as well as for servicing?

Is it required that the Club Plate Registrar be notified of trips by the vehicle when the log book is being used?
There doesn't appear to be any mention of 'Log Book' use in the constitution, and seeing as the vehicle operator is making the declaration in the Log, it seems unnecessary for the Registrar to be notified for 'Log Book' journeys.

I'm not trying to rock anyone's boat, just wanting to be sure of correct procedures.

Steve K.


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Re: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2017, 12:05:34 PM »
Any club endorsed events that you attend to be sent as a text message to the registrar, then all other times you decide to take your car for a drive or maintenance etc is to be written up in the log book.


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Re: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2017, 04:07:23 PM »
Any club endorsed events that you attend to be sent as a text message to the registrar, then all other times you decide to take your car for a drive or maintenance etc is to be written up in the log book.
Thanks for the reply birdman.
So by that, does it mean that when the log book is used, the registrar does not need to be notified?
Steve K.


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Re: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2017, 09:06:23 PM »
Thanks for the reply birdman.
So by that, does it mean that when the log book is used, the registrar does not need to be notified?

Correct. If you fill out the log book the registrar doesn't need to be informed.


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Re: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2017, 10:05:06 PM »
Correct. If you fill out the log book the registrar doesn't need to be informed.
OK, that makes sense that the registrar doesn't need to be informed when the log book is used, but in the Constitution, Part 3 - Servicing; It is noted that "all movements of club vehicles must be recorded in the movement log".

So its still a bit confusing, do you not think?

Sorry to be a pain...
Steve K.


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Re: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2017, 10:20:48 PM »
Hi Steve  :hi:

My understanding is that when your car is being serviced, the log book must be completed.



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Re: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2017, 12:13:36 AM »
OK, that makes sense that the registrar doesn't need to be informed when the log book is used, but in the Constitution, Part 3 - Servicing; It is noted that "all movements of club vehicles must be recorded in the movement log".

So its still a bit confusing, do you not think?

Sorry to be a pain...

Yes it sounds confusing, all club endorsed runs you attended send a text to the registrar, all other car outings including servicing/maintenance etc like Ness has stated must be written up in your log book. PS up to 60 times per calendar year on top of club endorsed events.


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Re: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2017, 07:45:24 AM »
 :he:  :thank: Birdman.


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Re: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2017, 09:56:51 AM »
I think have confused things a bit by not quoting the complete paragraph from the constitution;
"Part 3 – Servicing of Vehicles
Please note that all movements of club vehicles must be recorded in the movement log held by the Club Plate Registrar."

Again, I get it that when the vehicle goes out and the vehicle log book is used, then the Registrar doesn't need to know.

But the club's constitution dictates that outings for servicing have to be advised to the Registrar, and the trip can be up to 5m. plus our Constitution doesn't indicate that servicing runs require the vehicle logbook to be filled in.
The RMS regs allow servicing runs without the need to fill in vehicle log books, so that requirement is being imposed by the club.

It appears that what we are actually doing, isn't stated correctly in our constitution.

Owen D, what's your understanding on this?
Steve K.


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Re: Conditional Rego' Log Book Use.
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2017, 03:30:18 PM »
I think have confused things a bit by not quoting the complete paragraph from the constitution;
"Part 3 – Servicing of Vehicles
Please note that all movements of club vehicles must be recorded in the movement log held by the Club Plate Registrar."

Again, I get it that when the vehicle goes out and the vehicle log book is used, then the Registrar doesn't need to know.

But the club's constitution dictates that outings for servicing have to be advised to the Registrar, and the trip can be up to 5m. plus our Constitution doesn't indicate that servicing runs require the vehicle logbook to be filled in.
The RMS regs allow servicing runs without the need to fill in vehicle log books, so that requirement is being imposed by the club.

It appears that what we are actually doing, isn't stated correctly in our constitution.

Owen D, what's your understanding on this?

In hindsight yes this was correct until the RMS produced the log book scheme etc, so if your'e out n about at your own leasure including maintanance/servicing runs the log book must be filled out so you're covered and all club affiliated runs you attend send a text to the registrar so he can record it in the clubs' books...
That's it, fast and simple...
Once the log book scheme ends it's trial run which is curently in the process, i'm sure all car clubs will ammend the constitution to marry up with the RMS rules

Hopefully this explains it a little better


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