Author Topic: Club run/event query  (Read 5083 times)

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Club run/event query
« on: February 21, 2017, 05:11:58 PM »
Just a curiosity question from a new member...

Does our club have a run specifically for AMCCofAust members (apart from the Christmas party) where it could be possible to get all active members to attend?

I've been on a few runs, and only get to see a small number of members and vehicles at each one, mainly because there is such a wide choice of outings to participate in.  That's not a bad thing, its a good thing in many ways, but does tend to spread participation a bit thin at times.

I thought it would be interesting to see as many members and vehicles as possible, at the one outing.  Maybe something like an anniversary run (if there isn't one already) or something similar.

Just a thought!!
Steve K.


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Re: Club run/event query
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2017, 05:39:35 PM »
Hi Steve  :hi:

Thanks for your interest in getting more people together.  That is our aim but it's very difficult with members living all over Sydney.

We had our 10th anniversary photoshoot last year and had about half of our members attend, and as you mentioned our Christmas party had about the same number.  We also have our annual show and shine which takes place towards the end of the year.  Another event where you'll see a heap more of our members together is our annual run to Albury in May.

We have over 100 members in our club but not everyone can make it at the one time because of various reasons - work, location, family, health etc.

I totally understand where you're coming from, but it is challenging organising the larger events.

Thanks for your feedback Steve - it is definitely food for thought.

Ness  :thumb:


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