Author Topic: Got my C-Plates  (Read 10936 times)

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Re: Got my C-Plates
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2017, 05:57:56 PM »
The word from the club plate forum in January, is that any application for the CVS must be accompanied by a 'blue slip', regardless if the vehicle is, or has been, on full or conditional rego.

RMS said that is not negotiable when agreeing to the scheme.

The vehicle owner is totally responsible for completing the application, and providing the correct documentation to the inspector for the 'blue slip', and then to forward all documentation to the CMC with payment for final approval.

The club also has an obligation to ensure that the owner completes the correct form/s.

If the correct procedure is not complied with, and the vehicle is in an accident, the ramifications could be severe to the point where insurance payout could be refused, as the vehicle could be determined as unregistered.

Just a few thoughts to be aware of.
Steve K.


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