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Updated Guidelines for the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS)

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Thanks for that Vanessa, being an authorised examiner I am always the last to know these changes...(thanks RMS)... :cry:
I guess I will be busy for the next few months issuing blue slips.
Anyone want to transfer to this scheme don't forget I am available to issue your safety check, id check and design check which will be required.

Cheers, Chris.


--- Quote from: sms777 on January 27, 2017, 08:51:04 AM ---Thanks for that Vanessa, being an authorised examiner I am always the last to know these changes...(thanks RMS)... :cry:
I guess I will be busy for the next few months issuing blue slips.
Anyone want to transfer to this scheme don't forget I am available to issue your safety check, id check and design check which will be required.

Cheers, Chris.

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Why don't you bring the Mopar out on a run one day and you'll be up to speed with the latest news.  :thud:  :  :kickass:  :rol:


--- Quote from: birdman on January 27, 2017, 09:58:27 AM ---Why don't you bring the Mopar out on a run one day and you'll be up to speed with the latest news.  :thud:  :  :kickass:  :rol:

--- End quote ---
Then I would be way ahead of it......... :rol: :burnout:


--- Quote from: sms777 on January 27, 2017, 04:55:35 PM ---Then I would be way ahead of it......... :rol: :burnout:

--- End quote ---

Of course you will with a Big Block   :toetapping:  :bolt:


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