Author Topic: Important Information from the CMC - CVS for Modified Vehicles is now LIVE  (Read 8846 times)

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  • Top Fuel Pilot
  • *****
  • Posts: 2048
  • Vanessa Goldstein
  • Location: Harrington Park, NSW
Good Morning CMC Members

I am very pleased to announce the CVS for modified vehicles is now LIVE.  Below you will find the link  to the CVS Guidelines and other documents on the CMC website.  Please stress to your members that they need to read these Guidelines very carefully before filling in the required forms.

I have included copies of the relevant forms on the CMC website for you to use but, for future applications all forms can be downloaded from RMS website using the links noted in the Guidelines document.

If there are no issues to hold them up, our aim is to turn the forms around within 24 hours-48 hours from receipt of the application.

Please don’t hesitate to call or email me if you need anything further.

Julie Williams
Secretary / Magazine Editor
0409 161 357


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