Author Topic: GST to apply to all imports into Australia from July 2017  (Read 5406 times)

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GST to apply to all imports into Australia from July 2017
« on: December 23, 2016, 10:16:04 AM »
GST to apply to all private imports into Australia from July 2017

The end to the $1,000 no tax arrangement for personal imports is looming. Tax from July 1 is quietly being reported... will be reduced from $1,000 to Zero. Watch for the media Spin over sleepy Christmas about some "committee" recommendation that previously recommended this as fair or something.. etc etc.)   
   ..... People coming in from private air flights or holidays will be effected in other ways with a concession.. but its not clear yet. 
     This will add the GST somehow to your posted in buys on ebay or freight direction services etc... bit like it was in the pre gst days..but back then it was 22% = duty etc etc.

     Last month as a supplier importer we started copping it.. from Nov 1st..every supplier.. from $83 to about $160.. a hit..maybe 6 times in one air loading...copped it.... but not being millionaire corporate importers with hundreds of thousand of dollars a a warehouse bigger then Bunning     and 50 staff.. we have developed to maintain a huge 9,000 + part inventory.. and hundreds of special order this latest TAX hit is another kick in the guts for specialist importers.. and soon private people.
    We inbound by air thousands of parts in constant resupply and special order of goods from up to 15 sources in the USA monthly/ weekly..... as we need to stock thousands of different parts to try & met buyers needs.
     In an average week...we pull in  from around 5-6 different suppliers. No problem there.. but  as new Customs Tax charges are applied now to EACH (Simply shown as OTHER CHARGES on inbound ACS entries like below).. to EACH different supplier .. a "Supplier Code Charge" as such.... of min $83 to $160 odd.. for nothing more then tax collection...
     This charge is now added.. & will probably be added to personal small imports as well... but then also ... they added to hit us with enforcement of a rule of NO consolidation of different suppliers goods to reduce freight costs.
     Each supplier.. even if there is room in a containment for another supplier's goods... are NOW not allowed to be consigned consolidated under one suppliers invoice.. each invoice must have a separate identified loading.. no consolidation...  simply adding to freight costs all round. Our weekly freight bill has risen about $1000 per week .. and rising with the A$ falling steadily.



  • P Plater
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Re: GST to apply to all imports into Australia from July 2017
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2016, 08:49:30 PM »
It the parts you import are of US origin ie made in America of American origin components you should not be paying duty.
Applying the US Australian free trade agreement


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Re: GST to apply to all imports into Australia from July 2017
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2016, 08:56:10 PM »
Well that sucks! good one Government - way to lose jobs around australia! If anything it should just be GST, but not several different charges! Idiots!
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  • Rally Licence
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Re: GST to apply to all imports into Australia from July 2017
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2016, 11:35:50 PM »
"It the parts you import are of US origin ie made in America of American origin components you should not be paying duty.
Applying the US Australian free trade agreement
Bfit "

The  $83 supplier code base charge is independent of Duty being charged & is on base GST only Customs Doc also... all of them.. ANY time they charge now.

In the last 5 years.. I can not keep up with the parts that have quietly changed.. or just without notice.. that are NOT now USA made.
Most GM Stuff is NOT USA made anymore.. most suspension companies.. don't.. some MOOG stuff is still..   hardy any panels.. pretty well NO emblems or lenses..  things that were once  remanufactured in the USA. .are now still carrying the same remanufactured or Rebuild part #'s.. but when you open the box. they are NEW reproduction parts. made somewhere..

Trying to manage. where each part is made.. or what percentage of a part is made IN  the USA is now pretty impossible to gain the info on .. especially on retail or wholesale supply invoices.. Ie .. show me say a Classic Industries or Summit or Corvette Central invoice that displays the manufacturing origin and % of US component in the parts..?

We have been lucky up till now but as the Gov gets desperate for money to keep the encroaching recession away.... i guess we're not alone just as car enthusiasts.. but now like many  in the  community.. . .being targeted to help keep the country liquid...( but that's too heavy for this forum.)

Duty is ALIVE.. just because it comes in from the USA. .does not mean you should automatically get the benefits of the FTA.  If it was  all made in the USA.. we would not be able to afford it.


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