Wish I could tell you about the practice we did in Tumut on Saturday. or something about it but can't.. if it goes off ok.. . it will be VERY memorable for all good Aussie reasons..
This Australia Day marks the Last long weekend before the Tumut Camaro Firebird & US Muscle car Nationals.
If you have an entry in already.. or up till Jan 15th.. by now you should have received a entry # & confirmation though the mail. If not please email cfusnats@gmail.com
As of 25 Jan we have about 22 entry places left.. and have at least 30 people known to be entering but unsure/ unsecured etc.
As entry is open still .. go onto cfusnat com and sign up. Its designed to be more then simply a car show but a chance to tour and explore some of the nicest parts of southeast Australia all within 75 Kms of Tumut.. and the Snowy Mountains.
Best time to get there relaxed is later Thursday if possible. as things start to happen from 11am Friday... that only entrants know off.. and slowly kick on till early Saturday around noon for the drivers briefing.. and goes pretty comfortably but non stop till mid evening Sunday night.
Welcome to the AMCCA members that have entered of late.. including the Mustang owners.. all AMCCA members are welcome..its what makes a great community.
The Events hosted by the Camaro Firebird Owners Club of Australia, also this year judging organizer's.... along with the help of PCCA members, AMCCA member, independent enthusiasts and industry.
Going home...IF you have time... try heading back to Sydney or Canberra.. take the drive over the Kosciuszko National Park via Talbingo then straight through Cooma.. its a drive that is pure pleasure.. gods own country.. (or plan it as a two night club run in the future.. )