Author Topic: 2016/17 Memberships  (Read 5234 times)

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  • Top Fuel Pilot
  • *****
  • Posts: 2048
  • Vanessa Goldstein
  • Location: Harrington Park, NSW
2016/17 Memberships
« on: November 26, 2016, 04:38:34 PM »
Good Afternoon Members  :hi:

I have just gone through all the memberships received to date (new and renewed) and receipt numbers emailed to relevant members.

If you have not received an email from me with a receipt number, please let me know ASAP:

Please remember that there are lots of members renewing at the moment, not to mention deposits made for the Christmas party, so please take the time to fill out a new form and email it to me. 

Please do not just pay and not send a new form - it only takes a couple of minutes and is a huge help to me.  :thank:

Kind regards
Ness  :thumb:


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