Gill and Michelle cannot make it on Sunday.
Anyone want the last ticket?
Geoff Gay (Cobra)
Mark Goldstein (Camaro)
Joshua Ross (Corvette)
Owen Davis (Caddy)
Glenn Sherwin (Charger)
Jakki Sherwin (Skylark)
Yvette Donaher (Dodge Challenger)
Leslee Allen (Duster)
Garth Bransgrove (Camaro)
Dave Clee (Pontiac)
Les Symons (Mustang)
Ross Butlin (Pontiac)
Cheryl Butlin (Pontiac)
Joe Agostino (Pontiac GTO)
Jeff Atkins (Bel Air Sedan)
Ian Micallef (210 Bel Air)
Tommy Pedersen (El Camino)
Andy Felton (Corvette)