For anyone who may be interested I am intending to cruise to Warrawong on Sat night with a couple of friends to have a look at the Illawarra Modified Car Club event. I would normally go to Hungry Jacks but I was unable to go to this one last month so am going there this month.
THIS IS NOT A "CLUB EVENT", THIS IS A GROUP OF FRIENDS CRUISING ON SAT NIGHT, but anyone is welcome to join us. We will be meeting at Caltex Heathcote at 5pm & leaving at 515pm. Am happy to swing past the Visitors Centre at Bulli if I know anyone will be there, otherwise we will cruise straight down.

If you would like to join us be at the Caltex or let me know via this forum or via SMS on 0401139190. If the weather is inclement I will post on the forum @ 4pm (after work) if we're "pulling the pin".
Cheers, Garth