DamFest 2016 – Warragamba Recreation Reserve, Cnr Farnsworth Avenue & Warradale RoadIt has been a couple of years since we attended this event, and due to popular demand we will be revisiting in October this year.
DamFest is a major community event that provides a venue for all local community and sporting groups and emergency services to showcase their organisations and show the world what a unique area this is.
$20.00 entry fee for those who want to enter the competition; $10.00 entry fee if you do not wish to enter the competition.
Just like CMC Day names and car details are required in advance, so if you'd like to take part please reply to this forum thread (or email - see below) and I will submit a registration form on behalf of the AMCCA.
Please submit your name and car details to Vanessa via vr_goldstein@hotmail.com or amccacommittee@hotmail.com by Friday 7 October 2016.Meeting point: Masters Hardware Gregory Hills @ 8.30am departing at 8.45am.
DamFest 2016: