Author Topic: Stolen 53 Eldo parts - Posted on the Australian Cadillac Forum  (Read 6085 times)

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Stolen 53 Eldo parts. Two weeks ago I discovered that many items from my shed had been taken without my knowledge. The police are investigating. A significant amount of parts were taken off my 53 Eldo.  Police have a clear clear suspect but until these parts are returned I am understandably concerned. I believe many of the Eldo specific parts made their way to Victoria from Brisbane several week's ago.
They are useless to anyone unless they have a 53 Eldo. No one with a 53 Eldo was involved.
Please be vigilant.
These parts are incredibly rare and mated to the specific car they are from. A pair of wing vents stamped 411 in the brass are amongst the parts. Rear windows and 3 guide spotlights and an assortment of waffle trim from the doors of both my eldos. Also a 57 ac box from my 57 Biarritz.;topicseen#msg8774

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