Author Topic: Torque Bar & Grill Car Show/Car Meet - Strathfield - Friday 15 April 2016  (Read 10693 times)

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  • Speedster
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I went there, arrived just after 7... on the way there 3 cars, one after the other went onto the wrong side of the road, because the traffic was holding them back from getting into the right turn lanes, most of these cars did burn outs all the way...
We went in, managed to get a parking spot, but the place was packed... the food queue was huge... we left within minutes.

Despite this we had a good night out at a restaurant in Burwood and the night air was sooooo nice.


  • Rally Licence
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Just wondering if we know factually whether those cars were involved in the Torque event... Or related to the responsible members of this Club who attended.....

The idea of this and other threads is to generally promote the events that organisers are kind enough to invite this Club to, and to give our members options to use and enjoy their vehicles. We are fortuate enough to have a number of venues and event organisers wanting us to provide patronage to their events, and in turn we seek to promote the positive side of these events on this forum. Our Club tries to promote the responsible image of muscle car enthusiasts, and for those who seek to flout the laws and drive in a dangerous manner I suggest that we not detail their irresponsible actions here. 

It is unfortunate that the service of food was slow, but in some cases this is to be expected when an event is heavily attended (hence the preface for the event outlining the restriction of entry etc).

Over the years this Club has worked hard to build an admirable reputation within the car club community, and I suggest that we use this forum to continue promoting responsible usage of muscle cars and the wonderful cameraderie of members at the arranged events. Any illegal activities should be reported to the relevant authorities and not outlined within these pages -illustration of dumb behaviour potentially tarnishes our own events. We are very fortunate to have great cars in this Club owned and enjoyed by responsible and lovely people - we should promote that and not the events peripheral to the said event.

And that all being said, I will do my upmost to attend this event next time it runs...... Especially when the organiser is kind enough to donate vouchers for the cause......!!!


  • P Plater
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Maybe we should promote our own events and not be followers of others, as the club was formed to be and not be connected to these badly managed events giving our club and cars a bad name as most of our members are not irresponsible tennagers but people who just want to drive our cars


  • Speedster
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I always support the idea of promoting all car related events, especially if there is any charity involved.

From time to time, there will be people who don't behave... I believe that "carma" (aka Karma) will catch up to them. They will either get caught, or break their ride.

I don't get out to events very often, so when I get a chance, I will take it. If it does not work out, I move on. We where too hungry to wait around, that's all. There was a guy there who was very helpful and friendly who helped us get out, no problem.

Don't let your great efforts in promoting events be spoilt by a few yobs...  :thank:

see you at the BBQ  !  :cheers:


  • Top Fuel Pilot
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  • Vanessa Goldstein
  • Location: Harrington Park, NSW
The Torque event is usually very successful.  It does not matter what car meet you attend, you're always going to get the idiots who spoil it for everyone  :banghead:

Our club has evolved over the recent years to support/incorporate car meets such as these, and does not reflect on our club's reputation whatsoever.

In the past, Torque has not attracted hooligans or idiots but I guess a couple snuck in - they look like the idiots not us  :thud:

With regard to food service it becomes extremely busy and the kitchen staff can only do their best.

The AMCCA committee will continue to support organised events (such as Torque, CUTS, Grange, Romans etc) especially those raising money for charities.

I personally do not believe that promoting these events spoil the reputation of the AMCCA - just my personal opinion.

Everyone, enjoy your Sunday and relax  :cool: :cool: :cool:


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