Author Topic: 1980 Trans am rebuild  (Read 14129 times)

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1980 Trans am rebuild
« on: March 06, 2016, 05:15:51 PM »
Hey there. I'm new here and this is my first post. I have a 1980 Pontiac Trans am. It has a 350 from a Chevy. I got it in pretty crappy conditions and have done a pretty good job for my first time. But I have some questions. First would be, I have 3 holes in both my valve covers. Of course oil refil is one hole. The other 2 I routed, one to the bottom of my carb and one to my air filter. Is that OK to do? I read alot on it but couldn't really find much out. Second would be, when removing my headers, do I have to take them out threw the bottom? I doubt they'll fit coming up. Thank you!


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Re: 1980 Trans am rebuild
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2016, 08:15:03 AM »
Hello and welcome to our friendly club Skyguy :hi:
The three holes in your valve covers as you said one for the oil cap, one large one is for the air cleaner and the third one is to the base of the carby which should have your PCV valve on the the valve cover hole. Make sure there is a valve there otherwise you will end up with a massive vacuum leak.
As for your headers, the 350 Chevy is 5 inches narrower than the Pontiac V8 so removing the headers should be simple. If they are shorties or block huggers they should come out through the top, if they are the 4 into one long ones they will come out the bottom. You may have to remove the starter motor on the right but the left will come out without fighting.
Put up some photos of your car.
Cheers, Chris.     

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Re: 1980 Trans am rebuild
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2016, 12:42:16 PM »
Hey there! Well excluding the oil cap hole. Both the other holes are the same size and are smaller then normal ones I've seen. I can get a pcv to fit in their very tight, but a breather does not fit. Won't even fit in their without the grommet lol. So that's why I wired one to the carb and the other to the air cleaner. Both have pcvs on them and my valve covers themselves have some sort of guard in them to stop oil from going out. My headers are the bigger ones that go from 4 holes into one big hole. I went ahead and tried getting them threw the top. No use. And sadly I cant Jack my car up high enough to get them out. I'll work on those later. But this is my very first actual project car and I love it. The only other thing I'm stuck on it, how you hang up the exhaust. At the back end. I'm stumped and haven't been able to find much on it. And OK! I'll post up what I have for now and throw up more later when I take them. Thank you so much! Well actually I'll post pics once I find out how to on my phone lol.


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