Author Topic: Expressions of Interest for a US TV Commercial - 1980s onward  (Read 5055 times)

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  • Top Fuel Pilot
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  • Posts: 2048
  • Vanessa Goldstein
  • Location: Harrington Park, NSW
Expressions of Interest for a US TV Commercial - 1980s onward
« on: February 04, 2016, 10:45:43 PM »
:thank: to our member Brian Pierce for passing on the following information:

American style modernish vehicles for Sydney shoot

For a US TV Commercial

Shoot date early March

Anything and everything considered from 1980 on - cars, trucks, emergency vehicles.  No motorbikes though - sorry all you bikers. 


Please sms or email me with photos: 0407 287 329

If you have a vehicle that suits the description above, or know someone that does, please do get in touch ASAP with a photo and your contact details.

Please email/text photos to or 0407 287329

Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who may be able to help.

Thanks for reading!

Alexia & Keith &

Who are Alexia & Keith??
We are a daughter & father team from Sydney, who purchased this business, along with Star Homes ( from Shan in December 2014.  The wonderful Shan is still here in the background, but moving into a different field after 14+ years building up this fabulous business!

Alexia has over 15 years experience in the film & tv industry as a Producer, and 30 years experience in front of the camera.  Keith has also worked in front and behind the camera, and has over 40 years of successful international business experience. Plus Keith is a car enthusiast/rally driver/amateur mechanic from way back! Together they have already been running 'Vintage & Classic Car Hire' since 2008. (  We look forward to working with you all!


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