Author Topic: when a grumbling v8 is not a grumbling v8  (Read 5680 times)

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when a grumbling v8 is not a grumbling v8
« on: September 07, 2015, 08:16:37 AM »
Recently, I've been caught out... I hear what sounds like an old school v8 coming down the road and when I take a look, it's a brand new Mercedes - has someone gone back in time and altered the time/space continuum ?

It just seems so out of place. Refined engineering is not mean to sound like that! I love the sound of a grizzly v8, but it should be on either an old school beast, or a car that can only get power from having a big motor... you get what I mean?

Even worse is when you hear that noise, turn around and see it coming from a big Mercedes SUV - cringe.  :omg:

Next thing you know, Mercedes will release a monster truck for mums to do their shopping in. I can see it now.

I can even appreciate the banging of a boxer motor more than this... something is not right here  :giggle:


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Re: when a grumbling v8 is not a grumbling v8
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2015, 03:45:01 PM »
......a monster truck for mums to do the shopping in".....OMG..... im going bush...(no offence mums)  :giggle:


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