Author Topic: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016  (Read 42410 times)

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Re: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016
« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2016, 06:01:45 PM »
Updates on more accoomation left later next week again but tonight (Friday night)  Tumut Motor Inn on the edge of the main CBD street has ONE room left .. a family type room.. min 3 night stay..  Walk to main street show & Saturday & Sunday Nights events...Wollworths supermarket... McDonalds.. pub..   police lockup.....
Tumut Motor Inn
Edge of CBD
Cnr Wynyard St & Snowy Mountains Hwy, Tumut NSW 2720
Telephone: (02) 6947 4523

Friday Night Feed now available in the Tumut  Bowling Club for those who want it.. (as most places outside McDonalds in the country are closed on Good Friday) - The Golf Club will be featured in the program sent to entrants.


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Re: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2016, 08:23:50 AM »
Update Feb 15th: Motels have limited accommodation left - a fresh regional check is being done this week..and listed in the MOTELS link above.
     Decision to do a huge aerial shot using a helicopter over around 60 vehicles bringing in the Chevy Bowtie & Pontiac V logos..underlined with a 30 mtr banner of The Muscle Car Lives... a image if done right will stamp the time & location -  and go around the world automotive world - like the last one we did in 1988. Special thanks there to a few above the cut guys who are helping on this. More details for entrants in the Nats program being mailed out on March 12th to paid entrants.
     We welcome the decision by Tumut Bowling Club to be open Good Friday evening for dinner service with good food. Its was the larger capacity venue needed as most places now are closed on Good Friday around the country.
     Fifty street vertical banners have been ordered.. covering Chevrolet, Pontiac, Firebird,  Camaro with the CFUSNats logo over it. These will we used though the weekend.. and auctioned off on Sunday night to help recoup some funds.
     350 Nats shirts have arrived ex the US and in place.. left overs are being sold off at the event. Every paid entrant gets one included. Those that have seen them . particularly the women who know more then most blokes about fabrics.. commented on the quality.
     Nats vehicle awards.. are being prepared as we speak. Something different.
 * * For those that may be time tight over Easter...which many are.... and want to enter for the Saturday afternoons street show.. please contact Dave via



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Re: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2016, 07:34:41 PM »
Friday 19th Update.. 5 weeks to go.

..just notes....
   *  The large image of the LOGO for the  Camaro Firebird Nationals is now set to be made for the overhead street banner in Wynyard Street Tumut..will be up in apparently 3 weeks time...
   * Few more feather banners also being made..restricted to 15 for use at the Nats and eventually auctioned on Sunday night. 
    * Locked in the judging list as shown on the site. Awards now being produced to match the list.
    * The Entire Saturday nights outlays have now been paid up in full and covered well in advance .and .... The Talbingo Sunday Run 3 is looking interesting as is the the Adelong Gold mine tours & good folk helping.. they  have  the sponsorship of the NRMA .. . The Turf Club has been paid for chair hire for the railway station sit out Friday night and Saturday morning.. well n advance.
    * The Montreal Theaters all paid... Over 300 Event T-Shirts have arrived from the USA all paid for.  The SES who are helping out voluntarily over the weekend ... expecting to help them if possible.
    * New shop posters showing " Coming Events" shop /notice board posters have been printed and dispatched yesterday to the council offices.. these might be a collectors item in years to come..  Tickets for the Saturday night printed.. Sundays numbered tour tickets done..wrist bands done..   
    * Lots of people still to pay but so be it.. hopefully they will.    Car numbers now over 110.. I'd sent out to many early entrants #'s to run in  sinc with their cars year.. and now falling back & filling up the holes with simply the next entry in so within maybe 2 weeks we'll get closer to the 150 mark number and in fact the ceiling of the event.  Better to have enough then too many..better people are looked after then herded  just can't cater for too many realistically. 
   * Meals for people with special needs will be available on Sunday night. Dinner Sunday is a hot Buffet..
    * Not much if ... any motels left with empty beds now either with this and other events in the region happening.... looks good for the townsfolk.
    * Next weekend will payout the caters in advance for about 300 people.... and the other half of the costs behind Sundays entertainment.. and remaining odds and ends continue to be covered.
     * Incase of crook weather Sunday.. the theater is running the movie "The Dressmaker" at 2pm.. $10 a head..  a chick flick but.. also on for those wanting out of the car stuff too..
Slowly.. little steps... getting there.


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Tumut Update Feb 28th - 4 weeks to go.
« Reply #43 on: February 28, 2016, 10:36:23 AM »
Tumut Update Feb 28th - 4 weeks to go.

Entries continue.. Tumut Visit & surrounds just completed..2nd last trip down before the event. The next will take down provisions and display components for the Nats. If your wanting to go best if possible to phone it it to PW. .takes about 90 seconds and done

Motels pretty much full..Aston Townhouse & Suites 02 69471999 has 4 rooms just come available... pretty perfect right in the main street. Tumut is as ready as can be now four weeks out. Talbingo which is part of Sunday, we have now a couple of Helicopters for entrants which want to take a flight over the snowy during the towns bigger markets is on.. choppers go approx 150kph in roughly a 25km radius..costs ($80 per person) . These will help with the aerial shot too.

At Adelong for part of Run#1 anytime from Friday 11am .. (check programe when its out) there is 4 gold ruins tours from 11am to 3pm and another 4 on Sunday. Sunday also you can get into the creek and pan for gold .. good for something you have probably never done.. Good Friday now got an array of eating places .. Adelong's main dinner and pub .who hosts a big bike rally yesterday is both typical country pub & good food..from 11am to 3pm on Easter Friday and Sunday. Friday too now the Tumut bowls club is open for groups with good parking and easy dinner.
The Show in Tumuts Main Street out for markers of Fire hose outlets.. We have two full blocks to use of Wynyard st.. a lot of feather banners are being finished for it..but just on its own its a lovely country fell. Official opening & welcome to the entrants and guests by the Mayor at 2pm. More details in the program to be posted on the 12th March to each entrant.
      Run # 3 .. Sunday.. to Talbingo.. the small rebuilt town of 300 is the site of the SMH  man made of the large country style Sunday markets.....& community club thats balconies overlook a perfect picture...... There's also a big sorta interesting workshop in Talbingo..(designated as "Run # 3") limited to 8 groups of 25. at certain times only. More in the program Bus entry only.. have hired & paid for a bus & driver too ($5 per head). Can't say more.
Sunday nights final is a presentations.. the trophies or awards are a bit different.. they're ready later this week.. Note too no person can win more then one .. per the judging panel set up with the NSW PCCA & CFOC who are overseeing the Saturday am Judging at the railway Station.

Talking about the railway station.. as the last train left in the early 80's.. figured it needs something... Late Friday from 4pm to 8pm.. the registrations is open at the Station.. light refreshments there too for the entrants and company free inc 200 slices of locally (Batlow) made apple.

If your  having a "Wild Hogs" moment & feeling its about time for a road trip .. check
More updates later.


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Re: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016
« Reply #44 on: February 28, 2016, 11:24:29 AM »
Attn: 73TransAm - I sent you a message, just to confirm that my whole family is coming... not sure if you go the message, so please let me know if I have a suitable room and also where when and how to pay for the room, thanks!


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Re: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2016, 03:04:43 PM »
Preview... CFUS nats street feather banners.. which wil be used all around the place on the weekend.  If in the end they  have not blown away.. we'll auction them off Sunday Night  :lol:


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Re: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016
« Reply #46 on: March 05, 2016, 01:51:10 PM »
Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Cars Update....

Update March 5th
    Easter Saturday...Official opening of the Nats is at 2pm in  the Main Street (Wynyard St Tumut)  - by the Mayor of Tumut.. All Welcome.

    Sunday... There is more to do then time.. but at Talbingo. .the site of the large markets and part of the run... an aerial captured formation of the Chevrolet Logo by Chevrolets and the Pontiac V logo by Pontiacs on Sunday Morning at remain in place for a few hours.. 
    Two Helicopters on hand for entrants who want to take a fight over the region roughly 25sq km . Cost is $80 each.. pretty much a very unique experience up over the Snowy Hydra Scheme, lakes and Kosciuszko National Park.
    Flights are 10 minutes and start at 10am at Talbingo..till mid afternoon .. Part of Sundays  Run # 3.


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Re: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016
« Reply #47 on: March 06, 2016, 07:27:26 AM »
HI All,

Hope you are all getting your cars ready for this huge event, here is the following meeting places on the Friday morning.

Pheasents Nest 7.30am for a 7.45am departure.

BP Marulan Southbound 8.30am for a 8am departure fuel stop.

BP Gundagai 11.15am departure 12. lunch and fuel stop.

Getting into Tumut around 1PM settle into your rooms and afternnon events if you wish.

Please express where you would like to meet so i can give the main leader your details so we make sure we have everyone.


Alan Morrison



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Re: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016
« Reply #48 on: March 06, 2016, 07:29:24 AM »
HI All,

Those wishing to travel down on the Thursday we will be meeting at BP Marulan Southbound at 10AM for a 10.30 Departure, those wishing to meet up before then we can meet at Pheasents nest Servo Southbound at 8.45AM For a 9AM Departure, please tell me where you will meet if travelling down the Thursday, Cant wait for this event its going to be huge:))


Alan Morrison


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Re: Camaro Firebird & US Muscle Car Nats 2016
« Reply #49 on: March 06, 2016, 05:01:34 PM »
Thanks Alan, we will see you at Pheasants Nest Friday morning  :cheers:
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