We're getting there

Names thus far:
Max Cipriotti
Mark & Vanessa
Owen Davis
Michael & Susan
Jeff Atkins
Glenn & Jakki
Joe & Leslee
Mick & Yvette
Denis Culbert I spoke to the organisers today and confirmed we will be given drink vouchers.
There will be a sausage sizzle so we MAY be given vouchers for that (although they're not arriving until 1-2pm).
Lunch at the Bull N Bush is very affordable ie: $10.00 for a roast.
We are to arrive by 11.00am and can leave just after 3.00pm so it's not too long a day.
The committee will be confirming the charity of choice for the event and so on the day a bucket will be handed around for donations.
Finally, if it is raining and the event is cancelled, I will receive a phone call from organisers by 9.30am and I will in turn notify each AMCCA member of a cancellation.
Watch this space and thanks again for your support.