What a TOP day! Sadly we only had 3 cars & 7 people come along today ( disappointing given many had asked for a run south) but the weather, food & most importantly the company were great.
We arrived "fashionably" late (no, seriously, it was "fashionably", wasnt it?) to the meet point & then proceeded south & met 007 in transit. Special mention must be made here of Dennis' "dress" sense.... After enjoying much pastry, coffee & joviality we took in a short walk before heading home.
I must say I am a fan of the Ladies Day theme - Cheryl & Brenda did an awesome job of parading their respective Camaro's to & thru Goulburn

(& you too Dennis) & chauffering us boys around..... tks ladies! Photos to come.
And on a final note, who was that person seen removing their top layer in the carpark & heading out into the traffic...topless, as they say!? Something about "thought it would be a good afternoon for it.." Cant say much more, you just had to be there I guess....