Author Topic: Expressions of Interest - Australia Day Car Display - Monday 26 January 2015  (Read 5631 times)

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  • Top Fuel Pilot
  • *****
  • Posts: 2048
  • Vanessa Goldstein
  • Location: Harrington Park, NSW
Afternoon All!  :hi:

I have just received a call from Canterbury Leagues Club who are holding an Australia Day festival and have invited our club to display our cars.

The festival runs from 10.00am-4.00pm and is located at Belmore.  There will be food stalls, multicultural dancers and a possible citizenship ceremony.

Meal and drink vouchers will be issued to those of us who display our cars and the more the merrier!

Mark and I will check out the speed humps in the parking area in advance of the event.

In the meantime please let me know if you'd like to come along and support this event - sounds like a lot of fun and great exposure for the club.  :thumb:

Vanessa  :thank:


  • Top Fuel Pilot
  • *****
  • Posts: 2048
  • Vanessa Goldstein
  • Location: Harrington Park, NSW
Hi All!

Please refer to this link for more information on what's happening at this event:

Thanks, Ness  :thumb:


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