Author Topic: sign of things to come...??  (Read 6474 times)

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sign of things to come...??
« on: February 01, 2008, 06:28:33 PM »
Is this another sign of things to come.. sure bet it's likely... Green Parties and other well meaning do gooder's tree hugger unemployable wankers with a "love what we do" spin doctor at the forfront... & "gotta do the right thing for the future" money grabbing governments... just follow the money...
 .. if its not good enough for Governments to tax the heck out of fuel.. MORE from those prepared or NEEDING to drive a bigger  vehicle.. Heres another tax....
   Wonder how long it will be before we this "bold new initiative" spun in Australia..

Hawaii Considers Taxing “Gas Guzzlers”

     In a misguided attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, legislation (H.B. 2102) has been introduced in the Hawaii House of Representatives by State Representative Assemblyman Hermina Morita ( to establish a progressive purchase surcharge for some new motor vehicles based on state calculations of carbon emissions.  
      The bill was considered in committee on Tues., Jan. 29, 2008 with results yet to be publically released.  Depending on the vehicle purchased, this surcharge could require owners to pay up to $2,500 more for the vehicle.
     If this effort is successful, the effects on your ability to purchase the vehicle of your choice, not to mention vehicle safety, will be dramatic.

  ...will limit consumer choice in purchasing vehicles by making popular performance and luxury cars, as well as SUVs, light trucks and minivans, substantially more expensive to own.
  ...will potentially lead to more deaths on Hawaii’s highways as higher taxes on larger, safer vehicles forces consumers into smaller cars with higher accident fatality rates.
 ... will not conserve energy.  Greenhouse gas emissions depends on a host of other factors such as total miles traveled.
 ... will do little to improve air quality.  Air quality has more to do with overall basic vehicle maintenance than it does with owning and operating any particular class of vehicle.


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