Author Topic: back to the...  (Read 5005 times)

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back to the...
« on: November 30, 2014, 10:35:06 PM »
... what town has a name when looking back spells the same... .. ??
.. you walk past it.. its the SAME as when you approached it... !!

 .. years back my father mentioned as a guy in his mid to late teens....leaving Tumut.. his birth place.....a farm some miles out of town to join the Australian Navy..and the train was the way to travel... from there.
   Today in Tumut the local council and various contributors had an unveiling at the Pioneer Cemetery for his grand parents and great grand parents.. WHO"S father Richard Clee - came out in shackles in 1806 for desertion from military post.. the mother similar but for stealing two silver spoons..   Its was a decent even.. hosted in part by the  Mayor & a local priest.
   Anyway to cut a long story short.. they have unveiled a bench in Tumuts "Pioneer Cemetery"  and new headstone as part of a first settlers history dedication to them.

   Meanwhile back at the Tumut.. or tumuT ..railway station.. which ever way you look at it.... its future is all looking .. back....sorta.. not a lot to look FORWARD if your an old railway station... except more of the same..... UNTIL.. a new Chrysler 300S arrived.. having set a 200 yard run on the old tracks....on cruise control at 88 mph... and LUCKILY.. I just caught it at  87.99mph.. .. after that .. poof......!

   ......then.. next thing.. bammmm... back to 1924...
  and so you know I'm not full of sh#t...  here's Proof.


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