Author Topic: Amazing work done on steering conversion...  (Read 5149 times)

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Amazing work done on steering conversion...
« on: October 06, 2014, 10:32:37 PM »
Well, I have got to say, after doing some little bits of work on my 98 Formula, that I have a new found respect for those who have done steering conversion on these cars.

Incredible, how much work, engineering and attention to detail that goes into making this happen.

the button controls for the window winders on the drivers side are all custom fabricated, the glove box modified, the air bags, the seat rails under the drivers seat (complete with power seat adjustments) have to be modified, the obvious steering conversion, air bags, the dash... every little tiny bit of conveniences and buttons that need to be relocated.

Absolutely amazing. Very impressive. My car was converted by Corvette Queensland, my hat goes off to these guys.

I now understand why the conversions cost so much on these cars. Bloody glad I did not have to pay for the conversion.


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