Author Topic: SMS  (Read 5384 times)

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  • Speedster
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  • Location: Sydney
« on: September 08, 2014, 04:36:25 PM »
Recently had a few things from my "to do" list looked at by sms at Bankstown,


I have to say, that you guys at sms are really good. Not just because of the superior knowledge and skills, not just because you put up with my thousand and one questions... but because you have something that not many people in the service industry have now days -

the care factor.

You guys ask the right questions, provide the right information and advice and actually do care about the customer and their cars.

Thanks again to everyone at sms, I'll be throwing some more work your way soon... fun times ahead.  :cheers:


Phone 02 9829 5072

Phone 0438 658 458

Phone 0432 136 333