Author Topic: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club  (Read 9220 times)

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Club meeting
 Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club on Nuwarra Rd Moorebank dinner starts at 6:30pm meeting gets underway around 7:30pm great food & fantastic raffle prizes all welcome.



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Re: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2014, 11:17:51 AM »
My apologies, i am unable to attend General Meeting as once again my work requires my attendance.

Have a good night & many thanks from Karen & I,  and to the outgoing committee a huge thank you for all there hard work.
Doing my best to leave a nice big Carbon Foot Print


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Re: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2014, 09:28:04 AM »
We will be there. Would like to echo the above sentiments thanking the Committee for their hard work in giving us as many events as they have throughout the year, and events that cater for all tastes! This is a great Club to be part of!!!!



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Re: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2014, 05:33:01 PM »
Sorry unable to attend the meeting.have long ago booked tickets last may to a rock concert queen!

I have a querie as the whole committee is stepping down could the AGM move a month later to each October each year so it dont fall smack bang on the annual car show that way the scheduled event can run its course with the current crew, rather than new committee taking over the event.

Being 30days out as we speak the club can take nominees for ALL positions during the lead up to the September meeting and the nominated candidates   will be the only ones that selection for positions take place rather than on the AGM evening.

All members indicating their intentions to take committee rolls should be known to financial members so that we know who wants what roll in the next committee. from a written list made on the meeting night.

So its important that as many financial members make the effort to come to the next 3 meetings to show club strength  and elect  the next committee to run our club....many thanks
Yes we do thank present  the committee for their work and forward progress over the past year!!


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Re: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2014, 09:55:31 PM »

Thanks for your input Les.

 It would be a Constitutional change to move the AGM and that doesn't just happen over night so that won't be happening at this late stage. Three months ago I set the current calendar with the AGM in mind and ran it through to the end of October to give the new Committee one month to sort out the next calendar which believe me is a much bigger job than running the car show. They will also need the time to prepare for the membership renewals that are due on November 1st, only three days after the October meeting, this is why the club has always held the AGM in September. I have already put everything in place for the show venders, trophies, MC, food, coffee,entertainment and promotion. As the Crossroads car show is just four days after the AGM, the out going Executive Committee will run the event alongside the new Committee and use the event to introduce the new Committee members to their new rolls and ensure that they are introduced to the proper contacts for the following years event.
As for nominations being announced at the meeting. As you know I have been asking the members to contact me with any questions they may have regarding all committee positions and I am very pleased to say I have had a huge response from the members and will prepare a list of nominees for the meeting tomorrow night how ever the club has always accepted nominations on the night of the AGM and with only 24 hours notice before the upcoming meeting would not be the right to change the way things have been done in the past so we will take nominations tomorrow night and at the AGM.

1977 Transam

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Re: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2014, 11:31:15 PM »
I just wanted to make a mention about the club accounts and it's financial year.

The AGM lines up with the clubs financial year.  If the AGM dates are moved it has a big affect on the processes in place for the financials. 

It took a bit of juggling to get the last change of dates recorded accurately as it all needs to be sent to Fair Trading with an explanation of reasons why.


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Re: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2014, 02:44:17 PM »
owen & tony will be there


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Re: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2014, 02:46:18 PM »
joe,i have some sponsorship money for you tonight, tony


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Re: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2014, 03:50:13 PM »
I will not be able to make it either...

I had a question I wanted to raise, just wanted to talk to some people who have organised car shows in the past.

I wanted some advice on which insurance companies to use and I wanted some tips on organising the event. If someone would be kind enough to raise the question for me and ask them please to contact me either via this forum or or 0425212286 ...?

Thank you so much !


  • Speedster
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Re: Wednesday Aug 27th Our monthly meeting at The New Brighton Golf club
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2014, 04:46:46 PM »
There’s a car show at Hollylea Rd Leumea on 14/9. Vehicle entry $20, & spectator entry gold coin, all proceeds to ‘24hr fight against cancer’. They don’t seem to have a website, but maybe you could drop in & enquire on the day? There are 2 enquiry contacts, Rod 0405150556 & James 0408437473. Good luck & count us in on the day.
P.S. Congratulations to the outgoing committee on a job well done. As a committee member on numerous city Strata boards I know how demanding they can be.
Cheers, Bob.


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