Author Topic: Left hand drive laws?  (Read 8368 times)

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Left hand drive laws?
« on: April 01, 2014, 07:21:44 PM »
 Was just at the servo getting fuel in the Chevelle. There was a highway patrol car parked next to me, the officer informed me that I needed a 'Left Hand Drive" sticker at the back of the car.
I thought this was optional and only compulsory for vehicles over 4.5 ton, so I told him I would look into it.

This is all I can find on LHD compliance.

Have the laws recently changed or is the officer mistaken?   


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Re: Left hand drive laws?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2014, 07:37:49 PM »
He is mistaken and needs to read up on the rules  :pepper:
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Re: Left hand drive laws?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2014, 08:32:20 PM »
No .. the HWP fella is 100% wrong..
I was on a committee group leading up to 2000.. for nearly 2 years pressuring the NSW RTA for LHD rego.. Carl Scully was the then minister in the Carr Labor NSW Government and our main contact... good fella.. but  without going into it publicaly.. there were a lot of support from people like the NRMA Classic & Vintage Insurance staff with statistics.. some genuine findings that sorta contravened the ANTI LHD theory.. the then "Scared of LHD" sprooking that was being pushed by the then various converters associations.....
   In our two years of a small group of lobbying..  we found  that most problems were just the unknown.. people were not engaged in LHD at all.. HOW STRANGE WOULD THAT BE..?? driving LHD.. .. PNG can go it.. Japan..Europe.. but Not NSW.. and in the lead up to the Olympics.. we were being filled with LHD Olympic support vehicles.. NO training.. nothing..  in the face of being rejected because of OH&S needs..  we found out NO training was given also to scores of a NSW employees... from a very relevant government dept.. that  actually had three Chevy pickups fully registered LHD for ANY employee to drive.. without OH & S dispensation.. or  the fact passengers alighting from the RHS of car.. apparently unaware a car may go past them... .. they could be run over.. but in reality their was no blood on the streets being  being cleaned up daily out of Sussex or Kent St or other one way both side parking streets around NSW...etc.. OR that LHD cars overtaking blindly on our roads behind caravans on winding roads in the fog etc.... and LHD amounted to nothing in the total risk by folks such as NRMA insurance..   
     Just for the record.. as a common sense approach.. we also put forward a comprehensive plan.. asking that drivers undertake a  LHD license driver AWARENESS course.. even one day.. underwritten by two VERY well known motor racing and driving experts..and the fee for the course go to a known Charity or the RTA.. etc.. but in the end.. around November  -  the phone call came asking  what was needed from the Stay Safe Committee .. .. our recommendations were 100% carried forward and stand to this day.. They were common sense... and with respect to the RTA have remained that ever since, and hope mutual assistance could always be as satisfying for all parties in the future.
The basic recommendations that were put into play were...:
(1) LH & RH Mirrors on LHD cars..
(2) NO "Caution LHD" on the backs of cars.. (if you could not see a driver on the RH seat of a say convertible and figure it out.. they get off the road...!)
(3) Road worthy .. good for all.
(4) Headlamps must dip to the LHS..
(5) Seat belts or blinkers being amber.. per ADR's..


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Re: Left hand drive laws?
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2014, 06:24:38 PM »
Ignorant.....being a HWP should know better. Why could not he just say "Nice car mate, drive safe being left hand drive. He just had to show he wears a uniform....... :banghead:

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Re: Left hand drive laws?
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2014, 06:56:22 PM »
How typical! they think they are experts on all aspects of the cars but in reality they have no idea! But Im sure they will still book you anyway.
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Re: Left hand drive laws?
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2014, 09:36:21 PM »
 Thanks for the replies everyone! Glad to hear the laws haven't changed. A printed copy of the LHD laws from the RMS site is now in my glove box.
 My first impression was that he thought he just needed to say something to me. Maybe because the car is a bit louder than most & attracts a little more attention in a crowded servo.

The car has all the requirements as Dave mentioned like LH & RH mirrors etc, Just wanted to be sure I wasn't doing the wrong thing. I would really hate to have to put a big ugly LHD drive sticker on the back of the car.
There's enough big ugly things in it already.    :smile:


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