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T-top seal install

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1977 Transam:

Looking for someone who can install T-tops and the weather seals please.

After the paint job they just won't fit.

Dave at Pontiworld has been great with explaining the type of seals that I needed and they are correct.

Problem is they might not have been installed right.

T-tops won't sit on the car right.

Anyone know of someone out west towards Penrith please?

If not I'm happy to travel to get this thing working.


Pics might help.....
Do you have the seal corner retaining clips fitted correctly, and the T-top retainer clips fitted the right way up?

1977 Transam:
Hi Leigh.

Sorry I hadn't replied yet mate. 

I'm not sure what the seal corner retaining clips are or the t-top retainer clips.

All I know is that the T-tops are mighty hard to fit on when the t-top handles are pressed on.  You have to put a lot of force for them to clamp on.

Haven't tested for leaks yet. Today's a great day for that.

Also have to figure what sealant to stick the seals down with as the spray painter's install job meant they are coming off everywhere.

This is why I figured I need to give it to someone who has knowledge of Targa Tops as most individuals haven't a clue (me included he he).

It also feels that the t-top is too close to the t-top frame on the car.  Definitely an in-proper install.

1977 Transam:
Forgot to add.......... I'll take some pics today when working on the car.  See how I go with uploading them Leigh.

There are two clips per side, one each in the forward and aft inboard corners that retain the seals.

There are the two tabs each side that retain the tops when fitted.....the tabs poke out at the top when the bracket is mounted correctly.

I'd personally use 3M weatherstrip adhesive to retain the seals. A person I know has had the same problem as yourself regarding weather strip thickness......he cut timber battens to sit against the seal (and under the bottom of the seal channel) then used G clamps to clamp the seal and apply pressure.....left it that way for a week or two....when the timber was removed, the roof panels fitted perfectly and the seals were sitting perfect in the channels. Just an idea for you.


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