Club News > AMCCA Past Events
32nd All American Day 19th January 2014 Now with pics
Saw the new parking layout....appears that we have been accommodated as a club. Nicely organised. :)
Temp prediction looks good, but theres also a good chance of showers..... :omg:
I'm assuming the RED outlined area shown as "Aust American Muscle Car Club" is actually for us?????
Should be a nice day. Are we all meeting anywhere??
I will be driving from Helensburgh if anyone wants to meet up for the cruise.
We will be going , We will be meeting Northbound M7 parking bay between hoxton park and elizibeth drive 730 for 745 departure.
--- Quote from: ccrc on January 17, 2014, 12:40:13 PM --- We will be going , We will be meeting Northbound M7 parking bay between hoxton park and elizibeth drive 730 for 745 departure.
--- End quote ---
I will attempt to meet you there.
Cheryl Ram Air:
Hi we love this one. lots of cars,people to see and we are leaving from Campbelltown.Joe has asked Ross to lead us there this time so we are meeting on the M7 truckstop opposite Aldi warehouse .Meet 7.15 for a 7.30am depart.Late email says new parking arrangements for us 2nd ramp near the mustangs entry off Castle hill rd.Enquiries to Ross on 0411342741,
regards Ross and chezzy
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