Club News > AMCCA Past Events
32nd All American Day 19th January 2014 Now with pics
Do we have a defined space this year, and is it the same as last year?
If it looks like any rain, I may not take the Vette? cause the the wipers are playin up.
We are planning to go! Weather permitting... :burnout:
I should be there predicted at 29 degrees...should be perfect!
--- Quote from: 69DirtyRat on January 15, 2014, 09:27:14 PM ---Do we have a defined space this year, and is it the same as last year?
If it looks like any rain, I may not take the Vette? cause the the wipers are playin up.
--- End quote ---
You can always use RainX. Lol.
I will be attending. Anyone cruising along King George's Rd? What time do we need to be there by?
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