Author Topic: AMCCA Memberships are now due  (Read 11621 times)

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AMCCA Memberships are now due
« on: October 31, 2013, 03:34:56 PM »
For the members that did not attend the last meeting It is that time of year again, please be aware that the 2013 membership has expired as of the 31st October.

To renew your membership is simple,you can either approach Mark Smith (club Secretary) or myself at the next event or club meeting you attend. We will have renewal forms on hand and will except payment by cheque or cash.

Or you can click on this link below and download a printable membership form in PDF format from the link at the bottom of the page then post your completed membership renewal form to the following address.

Postal Address: PO Box 18 Moorebank  NSW  1875 then make your payment by EFT to
Bank Details: American Muscle Car Club Australia
BSB: 032379
ACC#: 257033.
Please note if you are paying by EFT
 you will need to leave your surname followed by the word Membership as a reference.

The American Muscle Car Club of Australia is an RTA Approved Car Club one of the conditions of your Historic rego is you must be a financial  club member.

Finally AMCCA has a pro rata system in place this means if you paid your membership after the 31st of July then your membership will carry through to the 31 of Oct 2014.
The members that I have recorded that will receive the pro rata system are as follows.

Gorge Agius   
Adrienne Charlier       
Rod Cillero      
Bill Hammond      
Rob Hunter   
Chris Lea      
Jenny Mcmillan      
Charles Pace   
Joshua Ross   
Stephen Sammut   
Babralea Smith   
Ian   Walsh

If you joined AMCCA after July 31 and your name is not on the list above please do not hesitate to call me on 0412296615 and I will check the records for you.


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Phone 0438 658 458

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