..love to do it again.. and again.. .. just to sit quietly on the side lines and watch 50-70 years and more.. of Detroits finest and some not so fine.. cars cruising.. and to see the folk happy.. not race stuff not hate.. just once in a while you can feel so comfortable..
Been 7 times now.. once went over on a Thursday afternoon flight from Sydney .. got into DTW around 3am.. Friday morning.. stayed till 6pm Saturday then jumped the two flights back to Sydney and back at work by 9.30am Monday.. .. Loved it.. Now that was a road trip...!

There is SO - SO much history in the NE USA.. people enjoy & talk a bit about the LA San Fransisco / LV scene.. but the North East leaves it all for dead - except for the sh#tty cold weather...
While we are mentioning its attributes.. famed Automotive artist.. particularly GM / Pontiac / Chevy/ works.. the now 94 year old
Art Fitzpatrick.. had his equivalent of a Knighthood at this years Pebble Beach event.. which I've never gone too..
Have a moment and look through this link...you may recognize some of the pictures.. not computerized graphics.. but real penned images from the heart... and ask yourself if there is really anybody around who can capture artwork like this .. from memory.. from personal experience....