Hi, As a member of the AMCC ,,,,and guest speaker for the Australian Motorist Party at a recent meeting I can explain the question ,, quite often posed regarding prefferences,, ." YOU,",, the voter makes the decision on prefference . Far be it for me to tell you,, how to vote,, " Its your decision" It's a misconception, ,, " You " make the decision. We at the Australian Motorist Party will ask you to vote us NO 1,,,, but then " YOU" decide who you want at No 2,, 3,, 4 etc. Don't take any notice of what some Party's want you to do,, you do what you want..... .Most people don't understand that. They hand out ,," How to vote forms" but "you" do what you want.
It's interesting to note, that ,all of a sudden we have two political party's wanting you to vote for them at the next Federal election in a few weeks time. One ,, The Motorist Appreciation Party, and The Nationals, which are part of the Libs / Nationals
My advice is to look at what they stand for and make up your own mind..
I hope that information clears up some things.
Denis Walford