Author Topic: Mal and Maureen  (Read 13604 times)

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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2013, 03:20:55 PM »
I wish M & M well....always enjoyed their company.
Again, I'm another member who's heard nothing till the email came out...surprised me. But then, with work commitments, its hard to get out to weekend runs, so I didn't doubt I was in the dark, so to speak.

But whatever happens, Joe, Mick and Yvette have my admiration and support. I was once in the position of filling multiple car club Officer roles due to a lack of interest on other members (many years ago, and a different club, lol), so I know how much effort things take. Call me, guys, if you need help with something...I'll try my best to be there.
1969 Pontiac Firebird 400


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2013, 03:39:57 PM »
Well, I should respond.

I stand by my comments regarding Mal and Maureen.
Whilst I suppose there are people who don't realise  the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to keep an organisation like a car club going, I think I have a pretty good idea on what it takes to keep the wheels turning, having been in and out of car clubs for about 30 years and have occupied the odd executive position myself.

My comment about Mal and Maureen were not a direct reflection about the amount of 'work' that is done within this club.  My idea of great club members are people who are genuine, friendly, turn up to a few events, enjoy what they do and don't take themselves too seriously.  By those standards (I'm only speaking for myself), I score both of them highly.  I think they're both nice people who enjoy their cars.  It's as simple as that.  It doesn't mean that other aren't great club members also.

It's been stated that we, " have no idea what has has been going on the last few months or more (and for the members benefit we have kept it that way as its meant to be a fun enjoyable club)."   
And, " Unfortunately it all came to a head after the Wednesday night meeting and without going into the details it was obvious that there had been a lot of talk undermining Joe and he felt it was necessary to get to the bottom of it.There were some very strong words exchanged resulting in a situation where it was obvious we could no longer work together(and I can assure you it is not the first time this year we have had to have this type of discussion)." 
That's fair enough - for then.  However, as it's all come to a head, now would be the time to let the membership know what's been going on.  Again, I only speak for myself, but if I know the full facts of the matter and as a result, what I've said is inappropriate, I'll publicly apologise to anyone.    Without knowing the facts,  people are free to fill in the blanks with their own imaginations and rumours.

I can say in all honesty, I am completely unaware of any talk that has attempted to undermine Joe, or his efforts as president.  Possibly part of the reason for that is that these days, I'm 'part time' member.  I only attend a hand full of runs/meetings throughout the year.  However, that's my choice.   

Another posting reflected some disappointment in what I said and they, "expected more" from me.  Please don't hold any expectations for me, I'll disappoint you every time.  The only standards I keep are the ones I keep for myself.  They also state that what I've said, " serves to undermine the remaining comity."  I reject that completely.  In fact, I oversaw the running of the last agm and supervised the election of our current office bearers.  Further, whilst I don't go to everything these days,  I'm a (somewhat) active and certainly a long time member of this club and continue to be so.

In closing, I say this to anyone - again, just my view.  This is just a car club.  There is an AMCCA because there are a bunch of people who like to own a certain type of car and socialise.  Nothing more.  Nobody here is curing any fatal diseases.  We just like American cars.  For anyone that looks upon what they do within this organisation as 'work', I would say to them that they should consider what they do, because it isn't supposed to be work, it's supposed to be fun.  It's one of the main reasons I'm no longer interested in holding a committee position.  Just not my idea of a fun time any longer.  Having said that, I'm not asking anyone to read from my hymn book.  I'm just expressing my view. 

Peace out, man... :hi:   

  Well said Chris


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2013, 12:52:39 PM »
  Well said Chris

I second that        :cheers:....


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2013, 10:24:54 PM »
I second that        :cheers:....
I third that
M&M are great people and Maureen offered great support when the poo hit the fan with my marriage  ,I am no longer a member due to being in a different state but remember just how much "work" they both put into making the club function ,I hope all is well in whatever they do


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2013, 08:20:00 PM »
I fourth that, although no longer a current member it is sad to hear that they have left


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2013, 09:09:44 PM »
Btw Mick you are one of the first members, as was Peter and myself but not technically a founding member


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2013, 11:00:31 PM »
Okay people at this point I think this thread has run its course most of the people on here are x members that haven't posted on the forum in 12 months enough said leave it at that thank you very much for your input As I said earlier it's time to move on.


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