Author Topic: Mal and Maureen  (Read 13602 times)

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Mal and Maureen
« on: August 02, 2013, 04:09:32 PM »
Is it True that Mal and Maureen have left the club??

We as a club should not let this happen , these 2 people are the reason we have a club to support. Surely this situation can be addressed amicably by all ???

We meaning Myself and Bec , want them to stay in the club, althou we dont attend to many outings etc , due to other circumstances, Mal and Maureen have always been great to be out with, and they attend just about everything the club does.

The committee needs to address this issue and recify it if possible.



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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2013, 04:34:30 PM »
I absolutely agree.  Mal and Maureen are the two best club members we have.

Who ever broke this needs to fix it.   


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2013, 04:52:47 PM »
Unfixable I am afraid things just went to far what more can I say without going in to a long drawn out blow for blow account they will be missed but the club has to move on.


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2013, 05:07:39 PM »
It was a great shock to receive last nights email regarding Mal & Maureen resigning from the club they both put so much effort into the club always helping out when ever asked, I know when I was President for 5 years Maureen was my greatest asset in the club I would only have to ask her something & it would be done ASAP. Clubs need members like this to keep it running smooth. I am sure they will be missed by every member because they made you feel welcome to come along to club events they were great PR people for the club. A club doesn't move on with members like this leaving it only goes backwards with the loss of them. All the best Mal & Maureen & thanks for what you did for me as President
Regards Garry
Past And Present Cars


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2013, 05:29:47 PM »
Mal & Mareen, two great people always happy and hard working club members, you both will be sadly missed by the club & especially me i will miss you both   :cry: :cry:

Cheryl Ram Air

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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2013, 06:15:42 PM »
Ross and I would like to send our best wishes to Mal and Maureen.As I didn't attend the last meeting I didn't get to speak to them directly,I don't understand whats happened but I feel their imput into AMCCA has been enourmous and their company will be sorely missed,hope we see you around the traps
Love Ross and Chez x


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2013, 06:44:00 PM »
As the Vice President of this club and one of the founding members of this club I have just got home from work and read this thread which has comments from members some of whom we rarely see for whatever reason and I am to be honest really angry given that Yvette and I ,particularly,do hell of a lot for this club so I feel I need to have my say on this subject!Don't forget the ex president of this club just chucked in the towel and left us to pick up the pieces (a job that we said from the outset that we did not really want but for the good of the club we accepted)and now after twelve months or so in the wilderness he dicides he has some wisdom to bestow upon us!Thanks for your wisdom Gary but I for one don't really need your help.
 First of all Mal and Maureen being the BEST members this club has had?You can't be serious!!You guys obviously have absolutely no idea how much work Joe and Yvette put into this club?Between them they look after all the runs and put together the entire years worth of events,yes Joe and Yvette,no one else!Who do you think has had several meetings put together many emails and met with club reps on site to put together the clubs "Hopefully" BIGGEST event of the year at The Cross Roads Hotel,yep right again Joe,Yvette and Myself.They do all the maintainance of the web site incl.birthdays ,stories,videos,pictures etc.,do all the bookings for pubs and restaurants etc.,have between them put together the Albury run,The v8 Supercar event,the Batemans Bay run and just about every other run on the calendar as rarely does anyone even offer to help with these events so its just become easier for them to just do it themselves.Yvette also does the Club rego and has ,up until last election, also taken care of the stock and now that Mal and Maureen have thrown in the towel who do you think will be taking over there job,Yep you guessed Joe,Yvette and Myself!
 Seriously you guys have no idea what has has been going on the last few months or more (and for the members benefit we have kept it that way as its meant to be a fun enjoyable club) and while I respect your right to have your say you really need to have all the facts before you comment one way or the other.
 Unfortunately it all came to a head after the Wednesday night meeting and without going into the details it was obvious that there had been a lot of talk undermining Joe and he felt it was necessary to get to the bottom of it.There were some very strong words exchanged resulting in a situation where it was obvious we could no longer work together(and I can assure you it is not the first time this year we have had to have this type of discussion).
 While I am the first to say that Mal and Maureen have contributed to this club greatly over the years I also would like to say that there have been many committee members who have over the years contributed to the continuing success of this club,not the least of which our current committee and not the least of which our current president Joe Johnson and plate reg./forum admin.Yvette.
 I am not saying we are perfect but we try very hard for the good of this club and between us have attended more runs over the last two years than anyone else ,that I can assure you!So while we definitely don't do this for any reward or recognition it sure would be nice to get some of that other than continual backstabbing etc.
 Finally I would remind you all that we have elections coming up shortly so I guess we will have a flood of people eager to spend a good part of their lives making sure this club runs as well as possible and perhaps after 4years of service we can sit back and criticise them for their efforts.Mal and Maureen Best Ever!!Really!!!!


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2013, 09:09:40 PM »
WOW! I'm amazed. I haven't seen this much action on the forum for ages. If this is what it takes ............. I'll let you know ....... I'm all for it. But I have a couple of questions and comments. I don't apologize ........... in advance.

Who is Hemihunter? Chris and Bec?? How come he posted the ..........."rumor"................. that Mal & Maureen had resigned. I guess it must be true as I haven't seen Mal or Maureen offer comment either way. Why is that? How many club events have you been to in the last twelve months Chris. I don't remember seeing the green machine. Nice car by the looks. Wish I had a Hemi .............. so I could put you in your place.

Bonnevista. Your comment "Mal and Maureen are the two best club members we have" isn't wise or funny. I really expected more from you. It serves to undermine the remaining comity ( if in fact Mal and Maureen have resigned) and that isn't fair. What goes on in the comity should stay in the comity. What they do they do for the club they do for free and for the benefit of the club. If anyone doesn't believe that they do ............ then they should leave the club officially and without delay. People hanging in the club for the purpose of revenge or to undermine those that have been selected to fill the positions of comity members, by the majority of voting members at the annual general meeting should be ashamed of themselves.

joe74ta. You have my support because you are the voted president. Selected by the members to do you best in the voluntary position which you accepted. I might not agree with everything that you say or do and that's OK. We understand you only have the club interests at heart and you cant please all of the members all of the time. We don't want to know all of the sh1t that goes on, and we shouldn't. It would put your average punter off to know all of the politics and tooing and frowing. Thanks for all you do.

Gary. It's interesting that you should post today. Seems you've been in the background for a while know. I hope you don't continue reliving the bitterness that came from the many trials and tribulations you endured of past times. Thanks for getting together with the other founding members to start this club that so many of us love. Just remember them all and realize that they have the same love for the club that you still do. I think your comments have an agenda which doesn't serve to help the matters being experienced by the siting comity and I think, of all people you should know how damaging this can be. Be positive and supportive. Be the better person.

SUTPO. aw come on ................ gizza ciggi.

Chez. I know how you feel. I was there but left a bit early. In a way I'm kinda glad. This stuff isn't pleasant and very rarely heals fully.

Mick. Ive seen first hand the efforts of you and your wife and you are both to be congratulated for the dedication to the club its organization and event planning. Thank you for the effort you both make. I guess the load will increase if Mal and Maureen choose to resign officially. I guess you know that.

Mal and Maureen. Whats going on? If you're leaving the club that's sad as I know your company is much enjoyed by many members. It would be nice to hear it from you directly. No more blurred lines.

And that is all I have to say. Take it or leave it. At least everyone knows how I feel.

PS could have said more but I type tooooo sloowwww.

Probly in too much sh1t already

Who is Cooldr. Another new poster. LOL




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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2013, 07:54:57 AM »
Mal and Maureen,

Feel a little silly cause I've just gone through yesterdays emails and seen the message at the bottom of the weekly event letter. You have both served the club well and your support and company will be missed by many of us. I wish you every success and happiness in the road ahead and hope that one day our paths meet that we may reflect on good times and have a chuckle or two. Keith & Tracey. X


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Re: Mal and Maureen
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2013, 01:02:30 PM »
Well, I should respond.

I stand by my comments regarding Mal and Maureen.
Whilst I suppose there are people who don't realise  the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to keep an organisation like a car club going, I think I have a pretty good idea on what it takes to keep the wheels turning, having been in and out of car clubs for about 30 years and have occupied the odd executive position myself.

My comments about Mal and Maureen were not a direct reflection about the amount of 'work' that is done within this club.  My idea of great club members are people who are genuine, friendly, turn up to a few events, enjoy what they do and don't take themselves too seriously.  By those standards (I'm only speaking for myself), I score both of them highly.  I think they're both nice people who enjoy their cars.  It's as simple as that.  It doesn't mean that others aren't great club members also.

It's been stated that we, " have no idea what has has been going on the last few months or more (and for the members benefit we have kept it that way as its meant to be a fun enjoyable club)."   
And, " Unfortunately it all came to a head after the Wednesday night meeting and without going into the details it was obvious that there had been a lot of talk undermining Joe and he felt it was necessary to get to the bottom of it.There were some very strong words exchanged resulting in a situation where it was obvious we could no longer work together(and I can assure you it is not the first time this year we have had to have this type of discussion)." 
That's fair enough - for then.  However, as it's all come to a head, now would be the time to let the membership know what's been going on.  Again, I only speak for myself, but if I know the full facts of the matter and as a result, what I've said is inappropriate, I'll publicly apologise to anyone.  Without knowing the facts,  people are free to fill in the blanks with their own imaginations and rumours.

I can say in all honesty, I am completely unaware of any talk that has attempted to undermine Joe, or his efforts as president.  Possibly part of the reason for that is that these days, I'm 'part time' member.  I only attend a hand full of runs/meetings throughout the year.  However, that's my choice.   

Another posting reflected some disappointment in what I said and they, "expected more" from me.  Please don't hold any expectations for me, I'll disappoint you every time.  The only standards I keep are the ones I keep for myself.  They also state that what I've said, " serves to undermine the remaining comity."  I reject that completely.  In fact, I oversaw the running of the last agm and supervised the election of our current office bearers.  Further, whilst I don't go to everything these days,  I'm a (somewhat) active and certainly a long time member of this club and continue to be so.

In closing, I say this to anyone - again, just my view.  This is just a car club.  There is an AMCCA because there are a bunch of people who like to own a certain type of car and socialise.  Nothing more.  Nobody here is curing any fatal diseases.  We just like American cars.  For anyone that looks upon what they do within this organisation as 'work', I would say to them that they should consider what they do, because it isn't supposed to be work, it's supposed to be fun.  It's one of the main reasons I'm no longer interested in holding a committee position.  Just not my idea of a fun time any longer.  Having said that, I'm not asking anyone to read from my hymn book.  I'm just expressing my view. 

Peace out, man... :hi:   



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