Club News > AMCCA Past Events
Sunday Sep 29 AMCCA Crossroads Hotel show-N-Shine, now with pictures
All i can say about it is wow!!
Ticks for!!
.............our members enthusiasts
............. the public
............. m5 and m7 motorways
............crossroads hotel and facilities
............sunny weather
............. ammca and team and helpers, great club :thumb:
Big thankyou to all the members that helped put on a fantastic day, Big thankyou to all the cars that looked beautifull on the day,
And big thankyou to the st Andrews fireies for letting us get some aerial shots
:thank: :thank: :thank: :way:
Thanks to all for not disturbing my
Great day out......nice to see lots of people, caught up with some guys I'hadn't seen in years. :cool:
Pictures of the day are now temporarily available for viewing until they are transferred to the website gallery
A big thank you to Yvette and Andy
Click image to see album
Great pics!!!!!!
Thanks. :way:
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