Club News > AMCCA Past Events

Sunday Sep 29 AMCCA Crossroads Hotel show-N-Shine, now with pictures

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And the "Winner of the Burnout" goes to!!!

 :thank: we had a fantastic day.  Thank you to everyone involved in the organising of such a big day, you are certainly a credit to AMCCA. We are very proud to members of such a great club.  :way:
Janne and Glen.

Well what can I say? Today was just a great success all round for both the AMCCA, The Make a Wish Foundation, the Crossroads Hotel and the local car enthusiasts movement in general. After some really trying times over the last few months it was fantastic to see the teamwork, comradery and enthusiasm that this event brought out.No doubt we were blessed with the weather and that just added to the overall success of the day and given the amount of cameras I saw out there today we will surely see some great pics going up soon, especially from the 37 meter high! NSW Firebrigade boys ladder truck!!

Anyway well done to the AMCCA and all those involved in putting together such a great event at our first try and I look forward to working towards an even bigger and better one for 2014!
Cheers.       Mick..... :pepper:

What a awesome success. Thanks to everyone who turned up and to all the helpers and the people who put this show together and also the judges and the gate keepers give yourselves a huge pat on the back. Joe & I are very proud to be a members of this club. There will certainly be some very happy kids with today's efforts. Thanks to all once again. :way:

I totally agree,what a great event. Weather was perfect,great variety of cars,great company,great food. Big  :thank: to all involved that made this happen.  :way:


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