Club News > AMCCA Past Events

Sunday Sep 29 AMCCA Crossroads Hotel show-N-Shine, now with pictures

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We're planning to come in early, but have to leave about 12.30 - 1pm.  If that's a problem for parking with the club, just put me anywhere that I can get out with minimum problem for others. 

our 66 GT:
Anyone coming from the Wollongong area,plan is to meet at the start of Picton Road at 6:30am leaving by 6:45am.

Looks like it'll be pointless me trying to get any sleep after I finish work....I'll just load the car and head straight up there so I should be there by 7:30.....I can always sleep later in the day, lol.

our 66 GT:
 :thank: to all involved in making today a great day.
I'm sure the funds raised will put many smiles on the beautiful faces of some very special children :way:

Another great amcca day had by all , the weather was the best, lots of cars to look at , so many cameras snapping. Hope to see some great photos on the club website and best of all lots of money raised.
Thanks amcca


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