Author Topic: Happyone has entered into a local Qld comp - could you vote for my car  (Read 5148 times)

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Hi Guys,

I entered my car into this competition - Unfortunately it's only open to cars registered in Queensland. But I still need some help.

Unfortunately, not many here on this forum know me well yet,

However,  I have recently had a bit of bad luck and I've been looking at this competition to help turn the corner on that bad luck.

You see,  the stupid thing is,  the day before Christmas day 2012 I had an accident at home (changing my wife's Tyre on her Corolla) and smashed my knee (Tibia Platau fracture of the knee ) it has taken two operations a metal plate and 12 screws along with a couple of months off work. Which I could not really afford ....but it's amazing what you get through when crunch time comes about !

Anyway I went back to work about 6 weeks ago, but still on a walking stick ....but getting by OK.

whilst I was off recovering being bored as bat poo ...this comp gave me something to do .....As I have put a fair amount of effort in to it, I sort of don't want to give up on it now.

Can I appeal to your good natures and ask you to consider voting for my car.

Attached below is the link

If you don't want too I'll understand, but would like to see a Muscle Car win it.


Ed - AKA Happyone



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