Author Topic: Australia’s toughest hooning laws passed  (Read 12621 times)

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Re: Australia’s toughest hooning laws passed
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2013, 09:52:42 PM »
There are some good points in that discussion Steve this is one that I liked

Matthew Williams
And one thing I can't understand is how a car with a aftermarket exhaust is more of a serious offence than doing 40k over the limit


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Re: Australia’s toughest hooning laws passed
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2013, 09:23:43 AM »
Unfortunately like most of the laws that get passed these days they have a drag net approach to the situation. Essentially it gives the law keepers more law to use at their discretion and that then becomes the problem. Our society is a melting pot of cultures. Some of those cultures are from places where the motor car was not the common mode for transportation and subsequently they don't have the car connection that many of the Australian born drivers have. So when they arrive and get given a car they start using a vehicle to get around. Then the next gen comes along and OMG!!!!, they all think they're Steve McQueen. Steve McQueen ahhhh he drove a Mustang didn't he ............... I rest my case.


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