Author Topic: SMS is finally settled in at the new place  (Read 61834 times)

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SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« on: March 01, 2013, 11:54:07 AM »
Hello boys and girls!
It has been a bigger task than I have expected but we are finally organized and fully operational. The new place is clean, dry and bright. We had some serious rain recently and had not one drop of water in the shop anywhere so it's now safe to leave your prized chariot with us unlike the old place where it has been a risk of concrete stains from the leaking ceiling.
We are currently working on several projects including Bob's silver 94 Camaro which is getting LS1 conversion and new steering rack. It is coming along nicely with the running gear already fitted without major issues. At this stage yet to decide what type of steering rack is most suitable but it lookes like it will be a late model BMW.
I thought having a larger shop will give us more space but we just filled it with more cars. It's all good but we just need more working hours in a day.
Don't forget the services we are providing includes all roadworthy inspections and engineering needs.
Keep you updated on further developments.
PS.   We still love fixing Mustangs too.... :smile:

Cheers, Chris.   :thumb:

Phone 02 9793 3332
Biggles, The Flying Mechanic


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Re: SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2013, 12:04:40 PM »
Where's some pix Chris!
1969 Corvette ZL-1 540ci 755hp
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1959 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 Limo 390ci 325hp


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Re: SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2013, 12:09:38 PM »
How about a Channel 9 doco Andy?...... :cool:

Phone 02 9793 3332
Biggles, The Flying Mechanic


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Re: SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2013, 03:18:26 PM »
I'll give ACA a call I'm sure they'll find something interesting to film in there????  :pepper: :lol:
1969 Corvette ZL-1 540ci 755hp
1972 Chevy Suburban 454ci
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 Limo 390ci 325hp


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Re: SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2013, 05:29:31 PM »
Funny bugger........plenty affairs going on here, not all of them current though. Might as well call EPA as well.... get rid of some smokey Mustangs.

Phone 02 9793 3332
Biggles, The Flying Mechanic


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Re: SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2013, 10:22:10 AM »
The new premises are great Chris and I’m pleased to see the Z28 nearing completion. For those interested I used to get maintenance done at various dubious places. The Camaro was a beast for the eyes, but getn slower than a snail on methadone. Being a time poor 12hr shiftworker at the time, I only lifted the bonnet to ensure the oil leaks were no larger. It felt like dumpster diving behind Ultratune and dirtier than a portaloo at a rock concert. Up to this point I’d been wastin’ more money than an epileptic at an auction. Like two lepers arm wrestling, things kept fallin’ apart.
When the Camaro started acting up, I took it to “the Mopar Magician” who, after exhausting all his expletives, gave the LT1 the last rites. With a quick “control, alt, delete”, Chris and Toby were discussing shoehorning an LS1. Not since Pontius was a pilot was such a drastic decision made! After the palpitations, I thought “only an idiot would go along with this”, and decided to give it a go. This was gonna cost, since retiring early my apartment business, ( had suffered from the GFC. No body read books anymore so sales of my novels slumped, ( It was costing thousands converting them for the global E-book market! But as Gil and Michelle (green 2011 Camaro) advised, “When things get tough, sell your slowest racehorse”.
But at SMS the old adage “Impossibilities done immediately, miracles take a little longer” still applies. However I’m still waiting for a star to rise in the East or an abundance of fishes and loaves. Progress! The LS1 and trans are in! Some issues still remain with the steering, exhaust and rear mount. Can hardly wait to get back on the road, disguised as a skinny old fart with a mid life crisis. Looking forward to club cruises to those Arty-farty towns to find that elusive scented candlewax and stained glass hacksaw. No doubt the re-engined Camaro will be slippery as snail snot, cleaner than a Nun’s hard drive and turn more heads than a chiropractor?
Don’t forget Chris, you offered to autophase my interociters at a discount (whatever they are?).
Cheers, Bob Shaw.


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Re: SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2013, 10:45:29 AM »
What a great piece of writing!
1969 Corvette ZL-1 540ci 755hp
1972 Chevy Suburban 454ci
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 Limo 390ci 325hp


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Re: SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2013, 09:08:41 PM »
What a great piece of writing!
Bob is a brilliant story teller. He has written a couple of novels based on his true life experiences while he was working in Papua New Guinea. He spent something like 15-20 or so years as an aircraft engineer up there and was involved in salvaging aircrafts from the jungles. pilots are experts in crashing aeroplanes, Bob finds them, drags them out of the swamps, fixes them we can crash them again. His books are full of action packed stories like that, very entertaining, highly recommend reading.
I am paying special attention to his car, maybe one day he will write a story about my previous life as a pilot.

Cheers, Chris. 

Phone 02 9793 3332
Biggles, The Flying Mechanic


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Re: SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2013, 03:07:55 PM »
…And Behold the Mopar Magician spoke. Silence fell across the Temple of Seddon, (ancient Hebrew for “place where American muscle cars gather”). A sleek chariot with silvered wheels was on high, the underbelly exposed to the gathered unbelievers. The Magician issued his parables full of fire and brimstone. “Verily, the magic box behind the horse stables is now secure and stronger than snot strings. Forsooth, the new stable of horses cannot breatheth without specially ordained pipes of extraction. The left shall sufficeth as the almighty intended, but the right is befouled by the chariot reins moved by a demon fool in past ages. This work will not be achieved without much suffering, cursing and gnashing of teeth.
…And so it was, the unbelievers protestations were treated with contempt. “Though shalt desist with red cordial, pleasures of the palm, booger sugar and no longer partake from the cup of fecal matter.” He prophesised. “Yea, though shalt not worry about the sheckles, and stop using thy fingernails as food. Behold, when thy foot is heavy, thy power will forsake thee, the lightning diminished, the thunder subdued. The answer to thy prayer is to seeketh these pipes from the far off land of Generals in Richistan. Behold they shall go forth, not by galley, like Mick’s cars, but on Angel’s wings with the next order of frankincense and mer.
Yea, oh ye believers, this chariot will scream. Ye shall be anointed with much power in the right foot and test thy bladder control. The meek shall staineth their underwear and unbelievers shall be blighted by bowel motions whilst standing.” And so prophesised the Magician.         

Sinclairium, verses 9:3


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Re: SMS is finally settled in at the new place
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2013, 04:26:05 PM »
So, I gather that the extractors are off getting fixed?   :lol:
1969 Pontiac Firebird 400


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