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  • Rally Licence
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U.S. files trade complaint against Chinese auto parts exports
« on: September 18, 2012, 07:55:19 PM »
When you look at the ability the USA has.. or HAD.. to product manufactured product to a world standard at a very good rate.. its sadly also goes to show the tough road Australian manufacturers have.. anytime. not to mention now with added costs of increases in power and carbon tax on everything that moves.... for a NIL result except creeping the manufacturing sector....  But .. China is OK....!.

U.S. files trade complaint against Chinese auto parts exports


Automotive News | 2012-9-18

WASHINGTON -- The United States launched a trade complaint against China over what the Obama administration says is Beijing's unfair government backing of its auto industry.

President Barack Obama announced during a campaign tour of Ohio Monday that he is initiating a case against China at the World Trade Organization over allegedly illegal subsidies for automobiles and auto parts.

Obama has said Beijing is abusing trade laws by imposing more than $3 billion (18.9 billion yuan) in duties on U.S. auto exports. In addition to launching the subsidies case, the president is taking the next formal step in the World Trade Organization to protest those duties.

The move allows Obama to take a stand on China and advance the interests of a major job-providing industry in a state that could tip the balance in a close election. His opponent, Mitt Romney, has attacked Obama for what he says is an overly cautious approach to pressuring China into observing international norms for trade, foreign exchange, and patents and trademarks.

Ohio relies heavily on the auto industry and is a politically important swing state.

In making their case to the world trade body in Geneva, Switzerland, U.S. officials say the Chinese government is providing prohibited subsidies to auto and auto parts producers in 12 designated "export bases." Illegal subsidies were worth $1 billion (6.3 billion yuan) between 2009 and 2011, the administration official said.

"The key principle at stake is that China must play by the rules of the global trading system," a White House official said. "When it does not, the Obama administration will take action to ensure that American businesses and workers are competing on a level playing field."

The trade enforcement steps come as Obama and Romney vie for a few important states, including Ohio, that could determine the outcome of the Nov. 6 presidential election. Obama holds a narrow lead in polls, but the sluggish economy and unemployment rate have weighed on the president's re-election bid.

In recent days, Obama's handling of foreign affairs has jumped to the forefront of the campaign debate as tensions boil over in the Middle East. China trade case may shift the focus to the president's management of the sometimes contentious U.S. relationship with China and his support for the auto industry, which faced the prospect of auto maker bankruptcies in the depths of the financial crisis and recession.

Romney has accused Obama of making too many concessions to the Asian powerhouse and has promised to be tougher on issues such as trade and currency manipulation. The Obama campaign has frequently stated that, during his business career, Romney was responsible for sending many U.S. jobs overseas, including to China.

In Ohio, the auto-parts industry directly employs 54,200 people, the administration official said. When related industries like steel, aluminum, plastics and electronics are taken into account, the auto sector supports about 12 percent of the state's total employment, the official added.

Obama constantly reminds Ohio audiences of his administration's decision to throw a lifeline to auto companies during the recession and Romney's opposition to that bailout.

Beijing's willingness to hold the value of its yuan currency low, making its goods cheap abroad, has been a sore point between the United States and China. As a result of U.S.-led international pressure, China has let the yuan appreciate in recent years.

Even so, the U.S. trade deficit with China hit a record $295 billion (1.9 trillion yuan) in 2011.

Romney has pledged to formally declare China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. The Obama administration has declined to label China in seven semi-annual Treasury Department reports.

Administration officials say they have made progress with China on the currency issue over the past few years without ratcheting up tensions by formally labeling Beijing a currency manipulator. The next semi-annual report is due on Oct 15.

In the meantime, Beijing showed no such reticence to invoke trade rules, slapping duties on U.S. auto exports in December 2011 on roughly 92,000 autos and SUVs, worth 20.8 billion yuan in annual U.S. exports.

Those duties fell disproportionately on General Motors and Chrysler because of the actions that President Obama took to support the U.S. auto industry during the financial crisis.

The trade duties cover more than 80 percent of U.S. auto exports to China, including cars manufactured in Toledo and Marysville, Ohio, and Detroit and Lansing, Michigan.


  • Rally Licence
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Re: U.S. files trade complaint against Chinese auto parts exports
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 12:43:42 PM »
And.. in a not so calm twist..  JAPAN.. has just started closing all it AUTO ASSEMBLY PLANTS IN CHINA.... HONDA CLOSED 4 yesterday.. Nissan 3 of 4 and Toyota is preparing for shutting down..

This is a very serious situation that could involve Taiwan ultimately as they also lay claim to the  islands, known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan  - they are in rich fishing grounds, and have potentially enormous reserves of oil and gas.

Demostrations in China.. sanctioned by the China communist party .. are taking place now against the Japanese embassy in China.. burning cars and what not.... Japan is arresting Chinese activists....

Meanwhile.. European auto makers are having a hard time making day to day production continue.. and the world also depends now on Chinese parts makers to provide a Just in Time supply.. before the flow on effects reach the USA  or USA via Japan etc..



  • Guest
Re: U.S. files trade complaint against Chinese auto parts exports
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2012, 08:11:02 AM »
Sad state of affairs
just like photo shop
what is real these days
Gasolene well whats in it
it seems peaked long ago
kero for future autoing :burnout:


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